Boneless Short Ribs - What To Do, What To Do?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Saw a couple of packages of boneless short ribs marked as a manager's special so I grabbed them up.

Now what?

I know I can make beef stew/pot roast/beef barley soup. Not interested in BBQing them. I'm looking for a new and somewhat different idea of how to prepare them.

Help me out please.
I LOVE cooking short ribs!

I've used this from Cook's Illustrated: Asian style boneless short ribs. It uses the pressure cooker.

I also have a recipe from Tom Colicchio, which is a braise in red wine, served over mashed potatoes. You marinate them overnight, then cook the next day. I originally found it in a Food & Wine cookbook a few years ago. I think this one is my favorite.

Some of you may remember VeraBlue from several years ago. She moved to New Orleans and opened an Italian Restaurant. I was there to help for Mardi Gras a couple years ago, and she taught me her Short Rib Ragu, Italian style, served over polenta. It's wonderful!

If you want any of those, I'll dig them out.
Saw a couple of packages of boneless short ribs marked as a manager's special so I grabbed them up.

Now what?

I know I can make beef stew/pot roast/beef barley soup. Not interested in BBQing them. I'm looking for a new and somewhat different idea of how to prepare them.

Help me out please.

This recipe is my preferred style of braising beef short ribs:

Braised Short Ribs

This link is for Bon Appetit, but the identical recipe is on the site too, and both usually have great recipes.

I haven't tried this particular recipe, but it's quite similar to what I have done. The flavors in this are amazing. The first time I did it I thought I was eating in a fine restaurant.

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