Hi - My husband has high potassium problems and cannot have whole grain or whole wheat bread. The store has quit making 60% so wondered if anyone had a recipe for 60% bread made in the bread machine. Thanks
Hey Marlene, I think you can just sub one cup of white flour into most recipes. The ones I have seen are 3 cup recipes so that would give you 66% whole wheat. I think in your case I might go half and half. Use the whole wheat rapid cycle on the bread maker though.
I'm moving this to the bread section to help you get more replies.
If you mean your flour was 60% whole wheat then it's easy to fix without having to look for some other recipes. For 3 cups of flour (roughly a 1-1.5 lb loaf) use 1.25 cups bread flour and 1.75 cups whole wheat flour (this will give you a 58.33% whole wheat mix).
My basic batch of everyday bread makes 2 loaves and uses 4 cups bread flour and 3 cups whole wheat (a smidge over 40% whole wheat).