Buckytom's Basic Tsatsiki Sauce

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
here's my basic version of the delicious sauce/condiment.

buckytom's tsatsiki sauce

1 pint greek-style yogurt, drained if necessary (start with more than a pint if it needs to drain)
3 to 7 cloves of garlic to taste
1 medium cucumber
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
sea salt

1. peel and seed cucumber. cut into very thin strips, sprinkle with salt, let rest a few minutes, pressing gently between paper towels to dry, then dice. the more cucumber you use, the more you need to dry it or the sauce will become runny.

2. mince garlic, combine with cucumber in a bowl.

3. add evoo and red wine vinegar, stir to combine.

4. add drained yougurt, stir well to combine, adding salt to taste.

5. this is the most important step: refrigerate overnight! the flavours need to combine.
Thanks, Bucky! This is very close to how I make it though mine doesn't have the red wine vinegar (just regular vinegar). I will have to try this!
you can only add mint if you drive a zamboni. otherwise, it's a basic tsatsiki sauce. :smartass:
yep. i just scoop them out with a spoon. there's too much water in the stuff around the seeds. plus the seeds would be a little unpleasant if they were firm in a relatively smooth sauce.
This is nice, but what do I do with it?

I think this is the nice dressing they give my with Gyros?

Is this a salad dressing? Chip Dip for football games?

Eric, Austin, Tx.
I don't know what a gyro is .

Tzatsiki is a dip. When you have starters or a Greek maze it comes with breads and other dips such as hummus, and tahini .
i always get lost in greek mazes...:rolleyes:

tsatsiki can be either a sauce for things like grilled meats, or a dip to go with pita wedges or veggies

. and yes, it's often served with gyros or souvlaki.
bt, have you ever used tsatsiki instead of mayo or sour cream to make potato salad? methinks it could be a tasty combination....:)

I was going to say, I most always like mint in my Tsatsiki. Or dill or fresh, not dried oregano. Not all three. At once.

Vit, I don't know about Bt, but I am writng this Down. Now where to Save it where I will find it next summer. Spin me like a zamboni driver who forgot to wear his boots.

Edit. I saved it where I copied the recipe as your idea. A tip o' the hat and thanks.
Speaking of.... did anyone play the Google Zamboni trivia doodles the other day. I am not so good a driver and my times were slow. It's a good thing they didn't leave the little rascals on the ice or I'd a clipped them for sure. :ermm:


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