Canning green beans

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
Yesterday I canned some beautiful green beans from the garden.


Today I have half a canner of green beans to can. (out of 7 qts or 9 pints that fit in one pressure canner)

It looks like tomatoes in any form (sauce, diced with juice, diced with water, cold or hot packs), will be canned at the prescribed 25 minutes in the pressure canner.

Looks like green beans and some tomatoes for a batch today.
They are, aren't they.
Mr bliss picked some yellow beans, so I could get more bean jars, and I was able to fill 6 qts with them. 1 qt with tomatoes.
Here are the yellow with green beans.


In jars.
Those beans look perfect. Do you remember what variety and where you got them ? My beans were nice, and were sold as bush beans but they're kinda of too long to be bush but too short to be pole, so they were a wirey mess spreading just enough to cover the inter row paths.
LOL, I had no intention of canning beans today, but I did. They are mostly yellow beans and were the first picking of my last planting. I picked too many to eat fresh and freezer space is in short supply. I would love to be canning tomatoes but am getting only about 3 ripe tomatoes a day. I REALLY hope I get enough to can.


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Beth they look wonderful!

Between yesterday and today I have 13 qts (so far) of beans.

Larry, the green beans are contenders from Baker's seed (rare seeds), bush beans. They are always great here and we've been growing contenders for at least 10 years.

(friends that live in the south will say that Provider is the best bush green bean....)
Third batch of beans, green and yellow and the yellow flat ones like above.
430 beans for 7 qts, in the canner.
I want to try Dilly Beans again, but I can't seem to get them they we like them, less sour.
My last attempt I did this:
add to each jar: 1/4 tsp each Red Pepper Flakes, Mustard Seeds, Dill Seeds; 1/2 clove of Garlic
bring to a boil 2 cups each white Vinegar & Water and 1/4 cup Salt
And processed in a Water Bath, too sour, even after sitting for a good long while.

I tried Three Bean Salad with this:
1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup bottled lemon juice
2 1/4 cups of sugar
3/4 cups of oil
3 3/4 cups water
1 1/2 tsp canning salt

.. and it was delicious!!!

Any opinions, do you think that I could morph this Three Bean brine by adding the Dill & Mustard Seeds, Garlic and Red Pepper Flakes?
Will this work?

The three bean recipe here: seems to be what you have.

Changing spices (dry spices) is usually not a big or unsafe change. A couple tablespoons of spices should be safe.

Would *I* do the three bean recipe changing/adding the spices, yes I would. I have confidence in the recipe because it is tested.

You could, put the spices in a spice bag (tea bag or cheese cloth), boil it in the vinegar/water, then remove it, as another option.

The three bean recipe here: seems to be what you have.

Changing spices (dry spices) is usually not a big or unsafe change. A couple tablespoons of spices should be safe.

Would *I* do the three bean recipe changing/adding the spices, yes I would. I have confidence in the recipe because it is tested.

You could, put the spices in a spice bag (tea bag or cheese cloth), boil it in the vinegar/water, then remove it, as another option.

I like that idea, I'm going to try it!
Mahalo, thanks bliss
K-let me know how you like it, how it turns out. I think my husband might like Dilly Beans more if they weren't so sour. I may have beans to try it with soon again.
I want to try Dilly Beans again, but I can't seem to get them they we like them, less sour.

My last attempt I did this:

add to each jar: 1/4 tsp each Red Pepper Flakes, Mustard Seeds, Dill Seeds; 1/2 clove of Garlic

bring to a boil 2 cups each white Vinegar & Water and 1/4 cup Salt

And processed in a Water Bath, too sour, even after sitting for a good long while.

I tried Three Bean Salad with this:

1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

3/4 cup bottled lemon juice

2 1/4 cups of sugar

3/4 cups of oil

3 3/4 cups water

1 1/2 tsp canning salt

.. and it was delicious!!!

Any opinions, do you think that I could morph this Three Bean brine by adding the Dill & Mustard Seeds, Garlic and Red Pepper Flakes?

Will this work?
You can change up dry herbs and spices, but there are no safe canning recipes with that much oil.
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