Canning hot Peppers with citric acid in oil

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Senior Cook
Nov 10, 2011
I have several quarts of pepper puree ready to can for the winter, cooked and immersed in ghee.

I can't find any information about this project other than to use a 240 degrees (11psi) canner.
But then I wanted to make it even safer by using Citric acid. So far I found an article about using 1/2 tsp per quart for tomatoes, But hot peppers are much more alkaline.

Could it be that no one does it because using enough will make it no longer alkaline enough to bit you back?

I don't want to use vinegar or sugar or even large amounts of salt. I am going to use my old pressure canner just to be sure that any botulism is destroyed. That is a very dangerous fungal growth and toxin.
Did you cook (fry) your peppers in ghee?
If so, you don't have to be scared of botulism as they are fried at a high enough temperature to kill any botulism and spores
I haven't fried them yet, but I think if I boil them long enough to evaporate the h20 it should be hot enough. other wise I am going to drain out most of the oil and then save that ghee after reaching over 250 degrees. then I could washout most of the oil from the peppers with vinegar. possibly more work than needed? what temp is frying? I think that the pepper alkaline cant take the frying temperature.

I saw a video of one person soaking the peppers in vinegar and salt. But too much salt can give you a heart problems.

I am going to add citric acid at some point. try to achieve 4.6ph like Kimchee 3.4ph is what sauerkraut goes down to .
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[Ghee boils and smokes at 482f [250c] olive oil boils at 570f [298.889c] and smokes at 374 to 419f [215c] extra virgin.]
olive oil boils at 570f and smokes at 374 to 419f extra virgin.]
Hot peppers will retain most of their Capsaicin but is destroyed at 400 degrees f [204.444c]

so boiling oil is counter productive.
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leaving more expansion room is good but I would like to know more about the "cold" spots when when canning in oil.
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