Can't work a meat thermometer!

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Assistant Cook
Nov 25, 2008
This is my second one, and each time... my meats NEVER reach the desired temperature. Last night I stuck it in my chicken... and waited, and waited. It never got above 160 - and apparently it should be 180. So I broke open the chicken, and it was completely done. This is going to be my first Thankgiving where I cook the Turkey, and I'm using an electric roaster (because it was a gift from an attending family member). I'm worried that I will either under or over-cook this Turkey without being able to measure the temperature. Am I doing something wrong!? :ermm:
It sounds like you probably has faulty thermometers. Check them by taking the temp of both boiling water and ice water and see what it reads. Some thermometers need to be calibrated.
I'll give it a shot. Do you have a brand that you trust or use? The two I tried were Oneada -
The one I have and love it a Thermapen, but it is very expensive (about $85). For a more reasonably priced thermometer two brands that are very popular and reliable are Polder and Taylor.
Some thermometers need to be inserted at least an inch to read correctly. Make sure you are going in deep enough...

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