Chief's Super Moist Carrot Cake

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Copy Me That had to make sure that recipes that are not original to the poster, do not show the instructions for the recipe. They put a link. The do, however, show the recipe list. That does not prove that the instructions are not copyright. But, recipe sites had complained and the app was no longer available for Apple devices until there was an agreement. CMT, is a small website and can't afford unnecessary legal battles, even if they win them. I'm pretty sure that the company that hosts Discuss Cooking also does not wish to have to deal with legal battles. The rules say that we can only list the ingredients, if it isn't our recipe (it might say that written permission is okay). The ingredient list is allowed.
Copy Me That:

Copy Me That is a commercial site.


The MasterCook web site is in the same situation as Copy Me That.

All commercial websites are subject to subject to copyright laws applicable to commercial websites. The owners of Web Hosting Servers place a ban on anything approaching copyright infringement. The Fair Use Clause under Copyright Laws are still applicable where it is demonstrated the content is part of a meaningful discussion.

In the case of Copy Me That and MasterCook, a list of ingredients is posted with a link to the full recipe because posting the full recipe, regardless of copyright, with no review and discussion provision provided contravenes the Fair Use Provision under Copyright Laws.,,,20,2,0,0

Discussion sites like also have copyright rules. There are a number of MasterCook groups posting recipes in MasterCook native format which requires the MasterCook recipe manager to read them. The difference to the above sites is the sites are non-commercial membership with links posted and the recipes discussed and evaluated. That is fair use under copyright laws.

The MasterCook web sites and MealMaster web site posted above are non-commercial. The recipes are posted in native format requiring software to read the recipes. Therefore; the web sites existed because the recipe collections are for personal use only. If a commercial organisation were to post the recipes regardless if there is a copyright attached, copyright laws are applicable.
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"Jonas, at this point, I don't really care what legal technicalities you find about posting copyright recipes. It's against the rule here."

Be Courteous!
We aim to ensure that the forum is an enjoyable place that you want to visit time and time again. Our philosophy is that we want Discuss Cooking to be an online reflection of the family kitchen.

You are not the moderator.

I was asked a question about MasterCook recipes, and I replied.

Also it is the moderator's job to moderate.

If the question was not in line with the thread, the question should have been deleted.
Wow! I posted a simple recipe, and it has caused so much comtroversy from at least two parties. Just make., and enjoy the carrot cake.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Wow! I posted a simple recipe, and it has caused so much comtroversy from at least two parties. Just make., and enjoy the carrot cake.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

I couldn't agree more, Chief! I'm heading to the store after lunch. I need yellow squash and cream cheese...then I'll make another cake...well, actually, I'll make 3 again and share! Yummmmmmm!
I confess...I got sidetracked today! I made a bunch of salad...wild rice salad, pasta salad and I already have potato salad...we will share these with Mom on Sunday along with a carrot cake. I got the squash and cream cheese at the market earlier today. I'll bake the cake tomorrow, so it will be perfect for taking to Mom's on Sunday!

Once again, Y'all are just too far away for convenient sharing!
I hate that! I love carrot cake! Would you believe I've never made it?!

I have to say, GG, Chief's Super Moist is wonderful...but also, very easy. The toughest part being grating the veggies. Drag out the food processor and even that is a....:ROFLMAO:...piece of cake!

So...make it!!!
i have to say, gg, chief's super moist is wonderful...but also, very easy. The toughest part being grating the veggies. Drag out the food processor and even that is a....:ROFLMAO:...piece of cake!

So...make it!!!

IMG_6674 (2).jpg
I have to say, GG, Chief's Super Moist is wonderful...but also, very easy. The toughest part being grating the veggies. Drag out the food processor and even that is a....:ROFLMAO:...piece of cake!

So...make it!!!
Okay, okay! [emoji16] I just added the ingredients I don't already have to my grocery list!
I made a double batch of my carrot cake. It was enough for one 9 X 11 cake, and 20 cup cakes. The cup calrs were don ten minutes before the big cale. Now I just have to make the cream cheese frosting.

Seeeeya Chief Longwind of the North
Oops, forgot the pictures. I ate one of thr cupcakes,you know., had to test the quality. Yep, taste good to me.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind if the North


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As a matter of fact, the cupcakes are going to the dialysis staff, unfrosted. I'll put the frosting into a zipper bag, with a small corner cut out, so that they can pipe it onto the cup cakes.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
One of my grand kids, you know, the ones who hate cooked carrots, and cooked summer squash, stole one of the cupcakes. Of course no one will confess. So whadaya think; shoild I lock them in a closet? Oh, if it were only so simple.

Seeeeya; Chiec Longwind of the Nortn
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