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Master Chef
Jan 25, 2005
Foat Wuth
Well it is kewlish nasty and rainy here in God's Country so what a day for chili by any yardstick. The Warden has about 6 lbs of grounded up Angus Cows thawing on the counter. Seemed like a no brainer to me. So I go out in the camper and grab my giant magical high dollar All Clad chili pot..then I grab my big Omaha Steaks box full of mysterious chili spices from Pendery's..which this is two trips of course. I then put her to work to find Randy Moore's Terlingua winner for 2001 on the compooter. Well she stumbles over some off branded recipe sight and starts saying stuff like this.."Oh that one looks good..I really dont think your chili tastes that good..We dont need six pounds worth..blah blah blah." Then she confesses that she wants to make the chili. I feel so humilated. I lugged the famous pot back to the mancave and left the spices in case she wanted to use them. I did give her one tip..Wash the juice off the leftover Pintos if you just have to use em. I learnt this from yankees who use kidney beans. I am totally devastated. Think I will have a wee dram of sour mash to forget my troubles..sniff sniff.
Now Jeff, I'm feeling sorry for you also, so I'm going to have a bit of the sour mash also! But I thought Texicans didn't use beans in chili?
That is a popular misconception perpetuated by a couple of drunks out in Terlingua back in around 66. Only real chili ever been to Tejas is a can marked Wolf Brand:) Now I have an old blacksmith horseshoe buddy who can set a person straight on this deal. Real chili started out all beans..and if you could find a peppa you throwed it in there. The old cowboy chuckwagon cooks would pick out a spot and plant onyawns and garlic and stuff then harvest it on the next cattle drive. If the rabbits didnt get it they throw some of that in the beans. If a calf happened to die you throwed that in. Nobody could afford fresh purposely killed meat back in them days. That was when meat got added to chili etc. Now if somebody knock off a deer or possum etc. sure that improve the beans too.
Well thankfully she did not get around to using the leftover pintos. She made some kind of yankee chili cause I had to make several trips to the spice vault looking for coriander, allspice, oregano and assorted other weird stuff like that. Actually didnt taste too bad served over taurpolian chips. She should have drained off the grease after browning the meat but the meat was so lean she didnt think it necessary. Was a bit greasy in my book and I was starting on a bad case of the grease burps till I scarfed down two of my trustworthy Wally World digestive enzymes and knocked that business right in the head. All old folks should keep those on hand. She claims it was the best chili she ever tasted blah blah blah. I will post the recipe in the recipe section if I can drag it out her.
Well grease is about all that bothers me and the Digestive Enzymes work miracles. I try to keep those on hand along with Papaya Enzymes. If it really looks like grease city and the heart burn starts I take two of each. Currently out of Papaya but fortunately the Digestive Enzymes have a lot of Papaya too. Makes everything all better. Give it a try. The older we get the weaker becomes our own digestive mechanisms..stomach acid etc. In fact that is what causes a lot of old folks to die. They starve to death because they can't digest their food even if they are eating like little piglets. Simple huh?
Mine say..Spring Valley Brand. Multi-Enzyme Probiotic Formula (1 billion active cultures per serving.) You know I kept a fella from committing hari kari one time back in the 80's. Everything he ate gave him bad heartburn. I simply introduced him to Papaya Enzymes..he made a miraculous recovery and everybody lived happy ever after. Give all the credit to the Lord of course. He gave us the enzymes and Wally World to buy them etc. Now I do not think He gives folks heartburn..less they some bad old sinners or something like that:)

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