Concerns about the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Phew, the place I get the basket order updated their instructions, so now I have "activated" my delivery time slot for Tuesday. I have picked out most of the stuff I want. I set an alarm on my phone to check the supermarket website at 23:55.
People were making sourdough bread long before King Arthur Flour existed ;;) I've been using Kroger brand flour for most of my bread-making and it works fine. I occasionally buy KA bread flour, but that's for specialty breads.

Btw, look online for recipes you can make with the discard - I've seen people making crackers and other types of flatbreads with it.

Yea, I get it. But Since I'm a newbie, I wanted to start with proven ingredients. But I guess you proved it for me! Thanks.

But I wanted to make some really good bread. I have two crusty loaves in the freezer and some sliced bread frozen as well. So, I'm in no hurry.
I was going to buy bread flour, AP flour and some rye flour for another starter.

I was thinking about sharing the starter with others like me that cannot find yeast and sometimes bread. Gifts if you will. Small containers my wife has, and put a bow on it with instructions?

The stuff I'm discarding is fine for bread. It almost grew out of the jar yesterday and today. Bubbly too. I guess its ready since I started with ready made starter. It might should go into the fridge.

Jack used the jar with scrapings left over and had ready starter in 24 hours. I think this is what happened to me.
I did not start from scratch. One tsp of ready starter, fed twice.

I appreciate your help. :)
Like many others, our supermarket chain has established special early hours for older customers.

My parents live in FL and are members of a neighborhood group on Facebook. I'm also a member of the same group to help out my parents. There were a few good posts recently.

One was about senior hours and how they're useless in FL since everyone is a senior. The person said that maybe they should make it for people over 80, not 65.

There were lots of complaints about the stores not having anything because of the hoarding mentality. One person suggested that before going into the local Walmart, he should throw a roll of TP in the parking lot to watch people flock to it like seagulls go for french fries.

Got a good laugh from these two comments. Good to see that people still have a sense of humor.
I find it interesting that during our current virus situation that being home is such a safe and comfortable place.

I went out last Tuesday to purchase groceries and arrived home soon afterwards. Will do it again tomorrow.

There was a sense of calm and safety as I rolled into our driveway and parked the car.

We have taken precautions to keep ourselves safe and will continue to do so.

As has been said, "There's no place iike home."
+1... :)

We have ventured out for groceries and meds only in the last 3 weeks (twice only).. Our grocery store opens @ 6am and pharmacy @ 8am.. Social distancing is doable that early here..

Would like to be able to be with family but, we stay separate on purpose.. Can't wait until its safe for hugs again..

At 8:00 PM tonight (Wednesday), it will be two full weeks since I last left house or porch. I shopped two weeks ago, then figured it wouldn't hurt to stay put for the full 14 day incubation period of the virus. I plan on going out Friday to pick up fresh produce and - if I can find it - more flour. And maybe a package of TP. We're close to needing to break open the package that is always on deck in the basement.

3 confirmed cases in my rather isolated town of 30,000. It's roughly a hundred miles from anywhere. Ugh.
While I don't have to travel 100 miles to get somewhere, our small town of 11,000 had four confirmed cases and once rumored death earlier this week.
I walked to Kroger early this morning, .8 mi one way. The plan was to carry the groceries home. Bad plan. Went armed with a small bottle of homemade hand sanitizer; rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, a small bottle of surface sanitizer; tap water and bleach, and a plastic bag with a 6 x 6" paper towels. Considered wearing a mask, but decided against it so as not to encourage anyone else to seek out medical masks that are desperately needed by others at higher at risk.

I've mentioned here elsewhere that I have two N-95 masks that I've owned and used at home very occasionally for several years. I saw a few people at the store with medical masks but more people with what looked like homemade cloth masks or plain bandanas. Most of the faces were bare.

So I shopped the whole store, hitting produce last because that's what takes up most of the room in my cart. Several times after handling refrigerator freezer doors I paused to sanitize my hands, all the while being very conscious of not touching my face. The first thing I do entering the produce department is to grab one of those thin plastic produce bags and touch thumb and forefinger to tongue to help get it open.
If I'd been wearing a mask, at least I wouldn't be able to mindlessly stick fingers in my mouth! Before I leave the apartment again I'm going to make one of those YouTube, DIY, no sewing required, homemade, old tee shirt masks. I'll wear it over an N-95.

By the time I got to the check-out line, I had over 100 lbs. of groceries including half a ham and a 14 lb. turkey, way too much to carry home so had to call Lyft. Took me two hours to puzzle it all into the little apartment-sized icebox so the doors would stay closed.
I walked to Kroger early this morning, .8 mi one way. The plan was to carry the groceries home. Bad plan. Went armed with a small bottle of homemade hand sanitizer; rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, a small bottle of surface sanitizer; tap water and bleach, and a plastic bag with a 6 x 6" paper towels. Considered wearing a mask, but decided against it so as not to encourage anyone else to seek out medical masks that are desperately needed by others at higher at risk.

I've mentioned here elsewhere that I have two N-95 masks that I've owned and used at home very occasionally for several years. I saw a few people at the store with medical masks but more people with what looked like homemade cloth masks or plain bandanas. Most of the faces were bare.

So I shopped the whole store, hitting produce last because that's what takes up most of the room in my cart. Several times after handling refrigerator freezer doors I paused to sanitize my hands, all the while being very conscious of not touching my face. The first thing I do entering the produce department is to grab one of those thin plastic produce bags and touch thumb and forefinger to tongue to help get it open.
If I'd been wearing a mask, at least I wouldn't be able to mindlessly stick fingers in my mouth! Before I leave the apartment again I'm going to make one of those YouTube, DIY, no sewing required, homemade, old tee shirt masks. I'll wear it over an N-95.

By the time I got to the check-out line, I had over 100 lbs. of groceries including half a ham and a 14 lb. turkey, way too much to carry home so had to call Lyft. Took me two hours to puzzle it all into the little apartment-sized icebox so the doors would stay closed.

Welcome to my world! I did the same thing going through the papers for our workers to have safe passage when things get locked down tighter...
The first thing I do entering the produce department is to grab one of those thin plastic produce bags and touch thumb and forefinger to tongue to help get it open.

Eeeewe. I have never used my saliva to help open one of those bags. There is plenty of produce that has enough surface moisture to help. I touch the top of the bags to wet produce to help open them... you need to rethink that behavior (even if we get past this pandemic).
The supermarkets my dd's and hub work at have now closed off the olive bar/salad bar/hot food/Sushi bar's. The deli cold cuts are cut at night and placed in the Grab-N-Go section.

They have installed plastic shields to protect the cashiers and are also closing stores at 8pm.
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I got my basket order on the day promised, last Tuesday. I was supposed to have grocery store delivery yesterday between 10h00 and noon, but nothing yet. I understand that they are overwhelmed and running behind. My previous order was a day late. But, I find it a bit stressful not knowing when it will arrive. I wish they would send out an email about that or at least put a note on the website that they are running some number of days behind.
For some reason, I just can't get the hang of these grocery deliveries.

Thought I found a set up I like with Misfit Markets but it didn't work out mostly because of the package delivery co. For years "leave at the door" has meant leave at the door to my apartment. But the only company they use to my neck of the woods, or more likely one driver, decided "leave at the door" means leaving a box somewhere outside in a complex of ten-story apartment buildings.

Was waiting to make sure Misfit was going to refund the order before mentioning it here. They did and I regret the need to cancel my subscription.
Hopefully, I just scored 4 quart bottles of 99% isopropyl alcohol at a decent price that is actually in stock from a local lab so I can make hand sanitizer for us. I'll find out Monday for sure as they closed early today for Good Friday. More than I wanted, but that was minimum amount available right now.

Still have some on order from another place, but they keep putting me off on shipping date. That order will get cancelled if and when I get my hands on the local stuff.

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