Crisper pickles

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Ive been making pickles for at least 20 years. Sometimes they come out crispy, sometimes mushy and sometimes in between.

Obviously I prefer the crispy texture, but I have never established a consistancy.

I use the freshest of fresh cukes ( from the garden).

Does anyone have a specific method, additive or ingredient that could assure more crisper pickle for me :)
1. do you use the natural fermentation process (in a crock with salt solution)?
2. Or do you mean pickles, cucumbers in a brine with salt vinegar and spices?
I'll be watching for answers too. I use lime to keep mine crisp with very small cucumbers using the second process, but I'm going to try the first process this year.
Basically the cucumber + salt + vinegar + spices .
My dad read somewhere that if u put a few grape leaves in, there is something in the grape leaves that keep them crisp. Doesnt predictably work for me, so Im looking for a more predictable method. I dont really have a ' set recipe' I just kinda use what I have on hand.

Also, Im interested specifically in Dill, garlic, sour, half sour .... Im not a fan of sweet pickles.
You need to include grape, cherry, or oak leaves.

I have to go out of the forum,(I should have checked reference before commenting) to find the site I can refer you to. Be right back..................................

Ok, I'm back.

What I was thinking of is a recipe called:
check: canning recipes | westport river barrel cukes recipe
for the ref. I made to grape, cherry or oak leaves.

Also, the Ball Canning Co. sells something called: Ball Pickle Crisp.
I've never used it, but see: Canning Supplies, Canning Equipment and Pickling Supplies from Canning

Some of your questions of why sometimes one thing, and sometimes another may be answered here:

Every batch of cucs is different, so, of course, every batch has to be adjusted.
Just like when you make italian tomato sauce, each batch of tomatoes is different, so the herbs & spice amounts have to be adjusted.

Hope this helps.
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Part of the trick is getting the cucumbers when they are small and VERY firm--right from the field to the cooler. I throw them in a cooler with food grade lime (calcium hydroxide) and gallons of 40 °F water for 24 hours. Then I rinse them and leave them in cold water for 24 hours, then rinse and leave them in cold water again for 24 hours. They stayed nice and crisp (dill pickles, garlic pickles, sweet pickles and relish).
Pickling Lime - Mrs Wages Pickling Lime this is the product I used last year.
Let's all get modern....use "Pickle Crisp", also known as Calcium Chloride, mentioned by someone else. Sold by Ball Canning and can be found on the internet if you don't find it in the stores with the normal canning supplies. Very safe, very effective, and easy to use.
This one was the most helpful, I'm gonna imply these tips on my next batch.

Pickle pointers affect safety and quality

By Libby Colbert,
Colorado State University
Extension, Arapahoe County
You may have noticed that Grandma's pickle recipe calls for alum or lime and wondered if you should use it. Not only is this recipe out of date, it also may make your pickles unsafe to eat. Besides using an old-fashioned recipe, it's surprising how many factors can affect the quality and safety of homemade pickles, such as:

  • The weather and growing conditions of the cucumbers.
  • The time lapse and holding temperature between gathering and pickling.
  • The acidity of the vinegar used.
  • The method of pickling process.
  • The temperature of storage.
Typical pickle problems include slippery or soft pickles, shriveling of pickles, pickles that are hollow, dark or dull, sediment in the pickle jar and spoilage.
Slippery or soft pickles may be caused by:

  • Using cucumbers with blossoms attached (scrub or cut off).
  • Using a brine too weak for curing (maintain salt concentration specified in recipe).
  • Using vinegar with too low an acidity (use 5 percent acidity).
  • Not covering cucumber with brine (keep immersed in brine).
  • Not removing scum daily on fermented pickles.
  • Using moldy garlic or spices (always use fresh spices).
Shriveling of pickles may be caused by:

  • Using too strong a vinegar solution.
  • Using too strong brine at beginning of curing.
  • Using too heavy syrup (pickling solution too sweet).
  • Allowing too much time between gathering and brining.
  • Overcooking or over processing.
  • Dry weather (not preventable).
Hollow pickles may be caused by:

  • Faulty growth (during washing, hollow cucumbers usually float. Use these for relishes).
  • Improper curing (be sure and use correct strength brine).
  • Cucumbers standing too long before brining (start within 24 hours after gathering).
  • High temperature during fermentation process.
Dark pickles may be caused by:
Using ground spices such as cloves (use whole spices instead).
Minerals in the water-especially iron (use soft water).
Material of cooking utensils (do not use copper, brass, galvanized or iron-use enamelware, glass, stainless steel or stoneware).
Cooked too long with the spices (remove before canning).
Low nitrogen content of cucumbers.
Iodized salt (use canning or pickling salt).
Dull or faded color may be caused by:

  • Poor quality of cucumbers.
  • Sunburned cucumbers.
  • Cucumbers not well cured.
  • Over-mature cucumbers.
  • Cucumbers grown under unfavorable conditions.
White sediment at bottom of jar may be caused by:

  • Use of table salt (use pickling or canning salt).
  • Bacteria that grows during fermentation.
Spoilage may also be caused by:

  • Not washing the vegetables well before pickling.
  • Not using sterilized jars.
  • Using ingredients that have lost strength (use only fresh, blemish-free fruits and vegetables).
  • Not using standard jars and new lids.
  • Not measuring ingredients accurately (be sure and use only up-to-date, research-based recipes).
Even if all these are avoided, a final disappointment could occur if the jars don't seal! This failure could be caused by:

  • Filling jars with large, cold cucumbers and pouring boiling solution over several jars before capping (the solution cools down and air is not exhausted from the jar).
  • Using a recipe that does not require heat, such as some fermented pickle recipes.
  • Using non-standard jars.
  • Using the old open-kettle method of processing. Be sure to process in the Boiling Water Bath Method! Pickle products require heat treatment to destroy organisms that cause spoilage and to inactivate enzymes that may affect flavor, color and texture.
  • Be alert for signs of spoilage. Examine a jar before opening and note any bulging or leakage, which may indicate spoilage. Other signs include spurting liquid, disagreeable odor, mushiness or slipperiness of the product. If in doubt, throw it out! Dispose of the contents so that they cannot be eaten by humans or animals.
Other tips

  • Fermented cucumbers and fresh dill pickles are processed differently from the usual procedures. Start processing time when jars are placed in the boiling water. This prevents development of a cooked flavor and loss of crispness.
  • Don't pack pickles too tightly in the jar, this could prevent enough pickling solution from being added to the jar. Be sure that all the solution in a recipe is used for the specified amount of pickles.
  • Old-fashioned recipes may call for alum or lime. These are "firming agents" to help keep pickles crisp. Now that quality ingredients are available, including vinegar of five percent acidity, lime or alum are not necessary for crisp pickles. These agents are no longer included in recipes recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soaking cucumbers in ice water for 4 -5 hours prior to pickling is a safer method for making crisp pickles. If lime is used, the excess lime absorbed by the cucumbers must be removed to make safe pickles. Pickles must be rinsed and re-soaked in fresh water for an hour, then repeated two more times. Failure to remove lime adequately may increase the risk of botulism.
  • Process pickled products in a boiling water bath for the altitude-adjusted length of time stated in the recipe. Store processed pickles in a dark, cool, dry place.

I've been making lime pickles for quite some time, they are always, always crispy. One thing that was said, soaking your cukes in cold water also helps them to stay crispy. Also, it is said to use pure pickling salt to help them from becoming cloudy. I don't always, but have never had my pickles to be cloudy, and I have been canning for 40 years. I just made 3 day lime water pickles, and I cube (remove the seed part) mine so they are ready to use. Use them in egg and chicken salad and also in potato salad.
Im not sure what anyone elses pickle salad is, but when I go to the " pickle lady" I usually buy 3 different varieties of pickles ( sour, half sour and garlic) and also some Sauerkraut, then i kinda cut the pickles into slices, mix with the sauerkraut, and snack on it while watching television. And , yes, I love drinking the pickle juice, curious if anyone else drinks the pickle juice??
As far back as I can remember my self there were pickles made in my house, well first it was my parents’ house and now it’s mine. And no matter what I do, no matter how I try, it all comes down to one thing the cucumbers them selves. And one year they are just fine and one year I have to throw away whole bunch of them, and yes there are things that help and some times they really help but some times they do absolutely nothing. There are so many things that affect the cucumbers that there is simply nothing one can do.
...curious if anyone else drinks the pickle juice??

I’m Russian, guess what people use for the vodka chaser?
And speaking of pickling slad, guess what i have on my kitchen counter right now? yes I am pickling the salad, put it up yesterday. Can't wait.
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Ok, let's see if I can upload a picture of the salad in the process of pickling.


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Bunch of lettuce, washed really well, as there is always dirt inside. 2 slices of rye bread, the thing is I'm not sure how American Bread would work, I always bye Russian black rye bread. 2-3 table spoons pickling salt. Garlic and dill to taste. I put about 5-6 cloves of garlic crushed or chopped and maybe a 1/3 of a bunch the dill. It is very approximate; it is not going to affect taste too much.
Dissolve the salt in the water. I use a gallon jar filled to the top. Cover with cheese cloth. Let it seat on the counter for couple of days. Depends on the temperature it might need 3 days. But be careful so it doesn’t ferment too much. Then in refrigerator it goes. I do not like lettuce it self so I just drain everything in a pitcher. My mom likes to eat lettuce and garlic, but she does get rid of the bread. It’s all up to you. I just love to drink the juice with my food, especially meats.
Thanks Charlie!
Does it matter what kind of lettuce?
And after it ferments for a few days, do you drain the juice and
refrigerate it separately from the lettuce?
Aside from my soggy bread phobia, that sounds really good!
You know I am not sure what this particular lettuce caled. Next time I buy it I'll check for the name.
You should throw bread away. My mom keeps juice and lettuce togeter and eats the lettuce, I do not. I drain only juice. And yes you should keep in the fridge.
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