Crockpot Garlic:

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Senior Cook
Aug 14, 2007
Crockpot Garlic:

Pics are of before and after cooking.

***Use How Much Garlic That You Want!

I do the following to make peeling garlic easier.

Put the bunches of garlic in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 20 seconds.

Take the bowl out and put the bunches of garlic on the cutting board.

Using a paring knife, cut the ends off of the garlic.

Using a paring knife, cut the garlic-(on the lines in between the cloves)-peel.

Put the garlic cloves on a piece of aluminum foil.

Squeeze some Olive Oil over the garlic cloves; sprinkle some Kosher Salt and some McCormick Coarse Ground Pepper over the garlic cloves.

***I Use Ketchup/Mustard Bottles & I Fill Them With Different Oils/Sauces/Etc. & Label Them So I Know What’s In Them! It makes it easier!

Make a tent over the garlic cloves.

Put the tent of garlic in the crockpot and cook on low for 3-4 hours until tender.


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Yes it did Larry. I love making garlic this way.
Sounds delicious!
Coincidentally, I just processed about a quart and 1/2 of garlic cloves from the harvest this summer. Blanched for 2 minutes in boiling water, then put in cold water, peeled while in the water by squeezing the peels off, then into the food processor for a mince, into flat ziplock qt bags, flattened, then frozen. Done!
Sounds delicious!
Coincidentally, I just processed about a quart and 1/2 of garlic cloves from the harvest this summer. Blanched for 2 minutes in boiling water, then put in cold water, peeled while in the water by squeezing the peels off, then into the food processor for a mince, into flat ziplock qt bags, flattened, then frozen. Done!
I still got about 30 - 40 heads of garlic hanging in the garage. Usually they last about 10 months for me, before they start sprouting. Once that happens, Ill be looking for other methods to store. Both the Crockpot and the blanched methods sound like great options ( as long as I dont eat them all up first ). Got another 4 months to go.
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