Daily Trivia - How we Score it...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Lucky's Trivia is not your ordinary trivia, as it tends toward "minutia"............... so none of us are expected to do well from the
Git-Go !
To clarify,

NONE correct is the only Failing score............
ONE correct is a "D"....
TWO is a "D+"......
THREE correct is a "C-"
FOUR correct is a "C+"
FIVE correct is a "B-"
SIX Correct is a "B+"
SEVEN correct is an "A-", and earns you rep points, if Lucky is allowed to give 'em.. (if not, He'll try to enlist another to reward you)
EIGHT correct is an "A+", and earns you rep points and the Mortarboard !!

T or C functions as a bonus question; if you miss it, no harm, but if you nail it, it acts as another Right answer in the above scoring grid.

the Sunday Specials are usually a themed learning experience, so We don't consider any score a "Losing" score ; just have fun, and "Learn" something.
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