Dinner Tuesday, July 20, 2021

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
It was pretty warm and humid today, so I made dinner salads. Or more like all-day salads. LOL! They really don't have more than when I make them in a bowl, they're just all spread out. I like seeing all those pretty stripes of color.

What was your supper tonight?

I didn't have much energy and we had a grocery delivery expected for not long after supper, so I wanted something easy. I was going to serve smoked salmon with bagels and stuff. But, I couldn't find the smoked salmon in our overstuffed freezer. I did find the frozen, breaded haddock, so ...

Supper was easy to put together and tasty. I baked some frozen, breaded haddock and some frozen "fries'. I made a salad of curly red lettuce, napa cabbage, thinly sliced red onion, chopped radishes, and the homemade vinaigrette. There was malt vinegar to go with the fries and slices of lemon to go with the fish.

My plate:

Breaded Hadock and salad, Linda's plate.jpg

Stirling's first serving:

Breaded Hadock and salad, Stirling's plate.jpg
Tonight was an old favorite, pita pockets with sirloin cooked medium rare, and cut thinly against the grain, with fresh mung bean sprouts, sliced haas avocado, sliced, ripe Campari tomatoes, and shredded iceberg lettuce, with mayo, and A1 sauce. Everyone enjoyed them, but I can't have the avocado (heavy sigh). It was almost as good without the avocado. Ice cold rice dream for my beverage, moderately cold pink lemonade for everyone else. Introducing meals never before eaten by my grandkids. They tell me that I'm spoiling them. Me, I'm just cooking the way I always have.:)

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I didn't have much energy and we had a grocery delivery expected for not long after supper, so I wanted something easy. I was going to serve smoked salmon with bagels and stuff. But, I couldn't find the smoked salmon in our overstuffed freezer. I did find the frozen, breaded haddock, so ...

Supper was easy to put together and tasty. I baked some frozen, breaded haddock and some frozen "fries'. I made a salad of curly red lettuce, napa cabbage, thinly sliced red onion, chopped radishes, and the homemade vinaigrette. There was malt vinegar to go with the fries and slices of lemon to go with the fish.

My plate:

View attachment 47860

Stirling's first serving:

View attachment 47861
Growing up on the U.S./Canada border, I am no stranger to malt vinager and fries. My mother introduced me to this at a young age. I wonder how many of our members have tried it. It's yummy.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Harvested our first cucumber and cutting of basil. Also Sakura cherry tomatoes. With fresh cilengine mozzarella and balsamic reduction it adds up to a caprese salad.


With a heated baguette, butter, and a glass of Airlie Seven white blend.
Growing up on the U.S./Canada border, I am no stranger to malt vinager and fries. My mother introduced me to this at a young age. I wonder how many of our members have tried it. It's yummy.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Growing up and living in Ohio my first 49 years, I've used malt vinegar for nearly all my life. It's also wonderful on fried fish, in vinaigrette, and many other foods that call for "vinegar".

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