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kitchenelf said:
ROFLMAO - the first time I read it as elfie - and thought - Hey, the descriptions fits!!!!

lol, nope, she's an ellie. elf, you don't REALLY wear a collar, do you?:ROFLMAO:
they said hello, jkath. thier, yep, we've got seven. a word to the wise: don't go to petsmart and look at the old kitties with no homes. you'll end up with 7 cats.

you should see our vet bills!

we had oz and elmo there on friday and bean is going on thursday.
~turning pockets inside out and fining only pennies.~
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here's 'fe!
(AND the sheets that got ruined when jkath bleached my hair in my sleep, if you look closely.)
Animals are great companions...Our pets might make friends with your kitties...But I doubt it. They're pretty territorial. Beavis and Max have this place staked out, and they don't welcome visitors of the animal sort.
yeah, thanks, sush!
welp, tomorrow's the big day. gotta go get my new feeding tube put in. i may or may not be around tomorrow; i'm not really sure yet.
okay, i'm off to fill the tub with lots of hot water and Baby Magic to make myself a nice bubble bath.

see you guys later.
'night luvs

Anyone want a piece of cheesecake? I've got one right heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.
It's a toasted coconut cheesecake with caramel sauce.
Okie dokie, then....I'll wrap up the rest and store it in the fridge for tomorrow.

<<locking door, putting out "closed for a bit" sign>>
<<flipping off lights, turning off music>>

i want a piece of cheesecake, jkath! i'm done with my bubble bath now!
~digging through fridge.~
ah, there it is.
yum! that is GOOD!
i'm sooooo hungry! i'm on NPO (no food or fluids by mouth). i'm not even allowed to run my feeds when i'm on that. they ALWAYS put me on that, especially when i'm in the hospital. if you even MENTION stomach pain, and no procedures are even scheduled, NPO it is! i usually just have my visitors smuggle me in some ginger ale. unless i'm having an endoscopy, seeing as to how if you eat or drink anything so many hours before one of those, you can aspirate and choke while they're performing it. they're talking about putting me on a long-term narcotic for my stomach issues so my hospital visits may cease, at least, woooooo-hoooooooooo! i HATE it there... but then i have to stop drinking, period, if i'm taking a narcotic.
i'm not sure if they're gonna put me under anesthesia or not. they did the last two times.
i dread this. i have the worst butterflies in my stomach.
okay, i'm done whining now.
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Attention Cafe Staff!!!!!

Due to complaints that I have gotten concerning excesive postings of drug and alcohol abuse I have to put my foot down!

Drug usage can NO LONGER be discussed. PERIOD!
Also, posts that contain hints of using alcohol in excess, or just abusing alcohol can no longer be discussed! PERIOD.

Sorry, but there were just to many complaints, and I need to keep the Cafe open.

Thank you. :)
yeah, yeah, i guess that was aimed at me.:rolleyes: i'll just drink my beer quietly from now on.
boy, talk about getting someone down on a bad enough day! i just try to be honest! but i guess evasiveness and lying are the key to life.
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I've done it myself Luvs. You know that. Its not directed at just you ya know. And I DONT want you to lie either ya goof ball. If youre drinking you dont have to tell us how much or how often silly. Heck... you could say youre going to have a few margaritas. :rolleyes:

But something like "Im going to get wasted" or "ive been drinking all day" dosent sound to good. Personally I could give a crap but, some people do. And then there are the youngin's that might think its cool to drink 24/7 or/and to get wasted.

Remember its fine to say youre going to our bar and then act funny/goofy. BUT not fine to say something like "Im going to get wasted" or "ive been drinking all day".

Its no big deal.
OOOOK! Time for a topic change.

Who's here this morning and hungry? I am ready and willing to whip up your favourites.
alright, alix. topic change. i'm sorry if i was too open about my drinking. it won't happen again. too bad. i was just being straight with you guys.
on another note, my PEG tube appointment is at 3pm. i'm counting the minutes. PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE don't let them put me under! i HATE anesthesia.
Update on TC!! The last time I saw him, he was doing pretty good. He left for camp Monday afternoon & will be back Thursday. His hand is black, blue & purple but the swelling has gone done a good bit. He is still in pain but not all tha time. He goes to the doctor Friday morning to have it checked & they will decide then whether or not it needs a cast.
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