Do you wash your celery

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Yeah, it's a good habit to wash fruit and veg and let common sense prevail in the context that a banana would be an exception, for example.

Most germs won't harm us and there's germs everywhere all the time, even after you wash something, but it does remove excess dirt, insects, some pesticides etc. There's probably more germs on the cutting board you'll use after you've washed the celery.
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I wash everything, even bagged produce. Like triple washed spinach. Celery is open at one end usually so a hard yes.
Always. I see so much dirt on celery but I always wash, no SCRUB, vegies I get at the store. You have no idea who's been handling them. I've seen kids sneezing and coughing right over the vegetables and picking them up and playing with them.
Always. I see so much dirt on celery but I always wash, no SCRUB, vegies I get at the store. You have no idea who's been handling them. I've seen kids sneezing and coughing right over the vegetables and picking them up and playing with them.
Not to mention when they are picked and packaged. Think about all the ecoli breakouts on mass scale from farms and packaging warehouses!
I use a baking soda solution. My chef friend told me to do that.
For fresh celery, dirt can sometime pool in the stalk/root area of each stalk. So I would wash them once you cut the root off.
I rinse them, just to get the dirt off. The way celery grows, a significant amount of dirt gets in between the stalks, and won't rinse off until you separate the stalks.

As for bacteria, I am usually cooking with celery -- it's part of the cajun "Trinity."

I tend to wash all vegies other than onions which I peel :) My way of thinking is - you never know who has been handling them before you - :)
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