Even experienced cooks screw up royally when it comes to safety

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Head Chef
Apr 25, 2007
Yup. I did it. Last Sunday I was making a small batch of blue cheese dressing with bluecheese, milk and mayo. I went to get some of the bluecheese stuck in the blade from an immersion blender and I didn't unplug it first. My other hand hit the button. : (. Luckily it only resulted 3 stitches to my finger tip on my non dominant hand (index finger).

Yup lesson learned I hope. I get stiches out Tuesday yeahh!
I was using my Oxo slicer and managed to slice the top of my finger off. It fell to the floor and I left it there. Took me forever to stop the bleeding. Of course it was my main hand. Try to place a bandage on your good hand with your bad hand and no one around to help. Fun galore. Not worth repeating though. It has finally healed, but the tip (or what's left) of my finger is still sensitive to the touch. :angel:
Yup. I did it. Last Sunday I was making a small batch of blue cheese dressing with bluecheese, milk and mayo. I went to get some of the bluecheese stuck in the blade from an immersion blender and I didn't unplug it first. My other hand hit the button. : (. Luckily it only resulted 3 stitches to my finger tip on my non dominant hand (index finger).

Yup lesson learned I hope. I get stiches out Tuesday yeahh!

Congrats on finding a kitchen disaster I haven't experienced yet.

Glad you're still standing. Take care.
Yikes! Here i thought shaving the side of my thumb on a meat slicer was bad...eeesh, i shudder just thinking about it.
All I can add is that I have had my share of cuts, burns, etc. Having spent a couple of semesters teaching industrial safety courses, my mindset has changed. I have ingrained it in myself as a result of trying to ingrain it in my students.
Most accidents occur when they are least expected and taking safety for granted is a sure way to have an accident.
Does this means I will be accident free the rest of my life? Probably not, but I hope to reduce the likelihood.
My only other disaster was when I went to drain the pasta. Just as I went to drain it into the colander, one of the kids was running to me. They liked to do that, hug my legs and then tell me they loved me. I turned away quickly so my back was to him. As a result the pasta and boiling water went all over the tops of both feet. Real good burn. But I was more concerned that my child was all right. :evil: Then I let out a scream. The finger thing was just a nick compared to that one. Try taking care of two kids and one newborn infant with two burnt feet. I sure know how to have fun. :angel:
I grabbed the handle of pan fresh out of a 425F oven once. That stung a tad...

The business end of the immersion blender scares me.
Frank, did you drop the pan or lift it to the top of the stove before you let go? :huh: My pan was only at 350, but I wasn't going to lose those baked apples I made to go with the breaded pork chops. At least as a newlywed I found out that Himself was a good nurse. :)

I have a nice Cuisinart food processor that came out of the box for cleaning. One look at those blades and she got packed up again. I really need to be brave and try using it.

I don't burn myself much anymore because my fingers are now asbestos after all these decades of cooking. My new issue is dropping things. Did you know that sharp knives fall point-down? I now wear shoes when working with sharp implements. Heavy ones, too, like CI pots and pans. But I'm thinking my next pair of footwear should be steel-toed boots...:ermm:
I grabbed the handle of pan fresh out of a 425F oven once. That stung a tad...

I've done that, too, which is why I don't do recipes that call for starting in a skillet on the stove and finishing in the oven. I want a braiser so I don't have to worry about it.
I grabbed the handle of pan fresh out of a 425F oven once. That stung a tad...

The business end of the immersion blender scares me.

I pick up hot stuff that I shouldn't on a regular basis.

Ya about the imagery...bloody purée fingers in the mixer gave me squeamish vibes for a second. It IS Halloween tho.
I have a handle sleeve that goes on any pan in the oven to take it out of the oven. It stays on the handle until after dinner.
My specialty is knives, I manage minor cuts all the time. Thankfully, I keep them sharp so it usually doesn't hurt. I've also had good luck with stabbing or impaling myself with something in the dishwasher. The cheap steak knives AND the butter knives all go in blade side down, unless DH has loaded it.
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I have a handle sleeve that goes on any pan in the oven to take it out of the oven. It stays on the handle until after dinner.

Does it go on the pan when you put it in the oven? I've tried to remember to put an oven mitt on it when I take it out, but I've forgotten more than once.
Does it go on the pan when you put it in the oven? I've tried to remember to put an oven mitt on it when I take it out, but I've forgotten more than once.

I think you can get special handle sleeves that go on when you put the pan in the oven.
Does it go on the pan when you put it in the oven? I've tried to remember to put an oven mitt on it when I take it out, but I've forgotten more than once.

I use this type on my CI skillets and pans in the oven. There are also silicone ones.


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I left the skin of the backs of both hands inside the bakery oven in Laramie, WY. I also had hot oil run down the tongs I was using and drip off my elbow as it deep fried the skin on my forearm.
I left the skin of the backs of both hands inside the bakery oven in Laramie, WY. I also had hot oil run down the tongs I was using and drip off my elbow as it deep fried the skin on my forearm.

Yeah, I have had that happen with hot water and grease when using the tongs. That's a big owwie!
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