Everything you wanted to know about Vegetarianism and were afraid to ask post...

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Senior Cook
Feb 21, 2024
I hope people will not be shy. I think that this subject due to some "political delinquent retards" gets a bad rep. I am a vegetarian because I choose to be for health reasons.

I was born and raised in the south. I think the only seasoning my mother knew of was bacon grease. Her food was delicious if it was southern cooking. The only Italian food we ever ate was when we went to a really excellent Italian restaurant owned by two real Italians. We rarely ate out. We would on occasion go to McDonald's and had Chinese food once a year after I got to be a teen.

After I began my vegetarian journey I knew I had to learn to cook. I began watching you tube videos and studying different methods of cooking. I bought a kitchen-aide mixer, food processor and the journey was on. I make all of my dishes from scratch. I also use mostly organic ingredients. I am lucky enough to live near two Whole Foods grocery stores. I purchase many of my ingredients online from small retailers and a few local farmers.

I have found vegetarian options in restaurants has grown considerably. Even here in the south. LOL My family went to Las Vegas and we ate at Gordon Ramsey's restaurants. We ate at : 1. Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill 2. Gordon Ramsay Burger and 3. Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen .. You have to ask for the vegetarian menu. Their vegetarian food was awesome. I also ate a couple of times at the Harvard Club in Boston and boy do they know how to make vegetarian delicious goodness too..

Anyway, I want this to be a post for people to feel free to ask questions about vegetarianism but were too scared to ask. I also can give you ideas for when vegetarian family members come over to eat at your house and you begin to panic.

Any way let the conversation begin.... Ask away..
mseaglecook, very nice post! I think when you get to know our members here, you will realize there are several vegetarians and vegans. I think it is great we now have another source! I don't think any of us are shy nor embarrassed about our dietary preferences. Welcome!
And if you have a special recipe, be sure to post it. I am not a vegetarian but that doesn't mean I don't make vegetarian dishes! LOL
Welcome to the forum!

As dragn noted, there are a number of vegetarian and vegan members here, and you will soon find them. I'm not a vegetarian, though if you were to look at all those legumes and whole grains in my pantry, you might think I was! I do go many days on only a vegetable diet, especially in the summer, when I'm getting all those wonderful vegetables coming from the garden - what could be better? Do you also grow some of your food? You'll find a number of us that do that, too, and if you do, you got a jump on some of us, being warmer down there.
Dragan Law you are so sweet...

I will post a cute trick I learned on a pizza forum I found.

Dirty Crust for Pizza
by PMQ Pizza Magazine April 2016 @pmq.com


Italian seasoning (50%)
Parm cheese (50%)
Water to brush onto the outer crust


Before putting the toppings on,

Take a brush dampened with some water and brush the full outer edge

Then just sprinkle the mixture around the edge.

Using water instead of butter or olive oil will allow the seasoning to adhere to the crust better.

After baking, if you want to add butter or olive oil to the outer crust for flavor or shine, that’s the better time to do it—not before.”


Also you could use :

Everything Bagel Seasoning

Poppy seeds
Welcome to the forum!

As dragn noted, there are a number of vegetarian and vegan members here, and you will soon find them. I'm not a vegetarian, though if you were to look at all those legumes and whole grains in my pantry, you might think I was! I do go many days on only a vegetable diet, especially in the summer, when I'm getting all those wonderful vegetables coming from the garden - what could be better? Do you also grow some of your food? You'll find a number of us that do that, too, and if you do, you got a jump on some of us, being warmer down there.
Oh, Pep,
thank you for the kind welcome and for posting. I love summer veggies too... I miss my summer tomato sandwiches so much during the winter months. I do grow a few things. Tomatoes, leeks, shallots. All of my northern buddies online get jealous of our long growing season but we pay the price of the humditiess (silly slang word) coming off of the mighty Mississippi. ;)
Welcome Mseaglecook. I'm a fellow vegetarian / vegan. Nice to have another source of info on the forum. The frequent members are not shy tall, and are very open minded to try new things, or at least extend their curiosity about a vegetarian/ vegan diet/ lifestyle. I learn a lot from them, and I'm sure they pick up a few things from me. Looking forward to sharing our ideas and experiences.
Welcome Mseaglecook. I'm a fellow vegetarian / vegan. Nice to have another source of info on the forum. The frequent members are not shy tall, and are very open minded to try new things, or at least extend their curiosity about a vegetarian/ vegan diet/ lifestyle. I learn a lot from them, and I'm sure they pick up a few things from me. Looking forward to sharing our ideas and experiences.
Hey Larry,:cool:
It is a pleasure to meet you. The kind souls on this board is why I decided to quit lurking and start posting. I have learned so much just from the few days I have been a member of the board. I love making dishes for my family that makes them smile and ask for more. In our family there are two of us omnivores and two carnivores. A mixed crowd.

My cooking goals for 2024 is to up my game on my Cajun dishes. Being that LA is next door to MS we all have a lot of cousins on both sides of the river. Cajun cuisine is difficult to create in vegetarian form because all of the dishes are so meat oriented. I made cajun veggie soup the other day and it was awesome. March is going to be my red beans and rice month. I am going to conquer that dish if it kills me.
I'm pretty knowledgeable about vegetarianism. I'll never learn all the rules of being vegan... there are way too many. :ROFLMAO:

I don't panic when vegetarians are over for a meal. It's really not that hard -- especially in the summer with so much fresh produce available. I've never had a vegan over to eat, and hopefully never will.

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BTW, I went to the Gordon Ramsey Pub in Ceasar's Palace in Vegas. Worst fish and chips I've ever eaten in my life. Soggy, greasy mess.
Will do.. thanks
I'm pretty knowledgeable about vegetarianism. I'll never learn all the rules of being vegan... there are way too many. I know one vegan that won't even cook in pans that have been used to cook meat, even after a thorough washing. :ROFLMAO:

Some people are just nuts.. I mean come on... Vegans are somewhat of a mystery to me too. I have eaten some good vegan cheese on a veggie burger at a couple of restaurants but I can not replicate it at home. I am too much of a cheese-o-holic to give up milk products.
BTW, I went to the Gordon Ramsey Pub in Ceasar's Palace in Vegas. Worst fish and chips I've ever eaten in my life. Soggy, greasy mess.
The only vegetarian thing they had on the menu there was a salad. It was awesome. I am so sorry you got ripped off. Hell's Kitchen was the best of the three restaurants I posted about.
My cooking goals for 2024 is to up my game on my Cajun dishes. Being that LA is next door to MS we all have a lot of cousins on both sides of the river. Cajun cuisine is difficult to create in vegetarian form because all of the dishes are so meat oriented. I made cajun veggie soup the other day and it was awesome. March is going to be my red beans and rice month. I am going to conquer that dish if it kills me.

You are closer to Creole (East of NOLA) country than Cajun (West of NOLA) country. Creole food is a lot more vegetarian friendly. Cajun is more meat-centric.

I grew up in Cajun country, and know that style of cooking pretty well. I haven't done much Creole cooking. They have some flavors and spices in common.

Being vegetarian, you may want to look more at Creole cuisine than Cajun.

BTW, I went to the Gordon Ramsey Pub in Ceasar's Palace in Vegas. Worst fish and chips I've ever eaten in my life. Soggy, greasy mess.
Personally, I’ve not been to one of his restaurants that I’d ever go back to.

His restaurants in Vegas are the worst. We are heading to Vegas later this week !
Personally, I’ve not been to one of his restaurants that I’d ever go back to.

His restaurants in Vegas are the worst. We are heading to Vegas later this week !

I have spent a lot of time in Vegas on business. I don't gamble, so for me, it was about people watching and food. Most of the celebrity chef restaurants I've been to have been somewhat disappointing. Bobby Flay's MESA Grill was pretty good. Even though I don't care much for Bobby Flay, I did have a good meal there.

I got to know where the good restaurants away from the strip were. I'm a generous tipper for cab drivers and bartenders in Vegas, and that is important. They are used to getting crappy tips, but if you find a regular bartender, they will take care of you. If you take care of a cab driver, they will give you their cell phone number and come pick you up when you need a ride. They will also tell you where the good food is.

My vegetarian dish for today, not my choice, "doctor's orders", I have to follow a low-sodium and low-cholesterol diet, cutting out animal fats, that practically makes me a "half vegetarian/vegan" 🤔, but I love cheese and cured meats😕, and I've always eaten meat and eggs. .It's going to be a tough challenge. I can eat fish though. I have to learn a new way of cooking, using wholegrain cereals and legumes.

I made this with boiled "farro", which I think is called mulled wheat/emmer in English?
I added zucchini, carrots, onions, celery, tomatoes, sautéed.
It's quite nice actually.


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My vegetarian dish for today, not my choice, "doctor's orders", I have to follow a low-sodium and low-cholesterol diet, cutting out animal fats, that practically makes me a "half vegetarian/vegan" 🤔, but I love cheese and cured meats😕, and I've always eaten meat and eggs. .It's going to be a tough challenge. I can eat fish though. I have to learn a new way of cooking, using wholegrain cereals and legumes.

I made this with boiled "farro", which I think is called mulled wheat/emmer in English?
I added zucchini, carrots, onions, celery, tomatoes, sautéed.
It's quite nice actually.
That looks great! Sometimes Diet restrictions ( due to health or other reasons) forces us to be creative. Although Im vegetarian / vegan, which has its obvious limitations, I've bee also told I need to restrict my carbs. Doesn't leave me much to go with, but forces me to be creative with what I can eat. Back I the day, I also loved my cheese ad dairy products. Anyway, I make a similar dish as you did above. Instead of sautéing , I grill my veggies, the mix them with the farro. I grill Onions, Zucchini, tomatoes , mushrooms ( I also use an imitation meat product), then mix it all in with the farro. Just a different take on what you did :)


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My vegetarian dish for today, not my choice, "doctor's orders", I have to follow a low-sodium and low-cholesterol diet, cutting out animal fats, that practically makes me a "half vegetarian/vegan" 🤔, but I love cheese and cured meats😕, and I've always eaten meat and eggs. .It's going to be a tough challenge. I can eat fish though. I have to learn a new way of cooking, using wholegrain cereals and legumes.

I made this with boiled "farro", which I think is called mulled wheat/emmer in English?
I added zucchini, carrots, onions, celery, tomatoes, sautéed.
It's quite nice actually.

I am on a low sodium diet, because my kidneys don't process salt as well as they should. It is getting easier over time, at least in the US. There are more and more low-sodium and no salt added products available all the time. BTW, over time, my tastes have changed with my low-sodium diet. Now, when I go to a restaurant, the food often tastes too salty. The more salt you eat, the more you want. The less salt you eat, the less you want.

The biggest thing is to cut way back on processed foods and restaurant foods.

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