White Bing cherry preserve
White Bing Cherries 2 lb
Sugar 2 lb
Lemon 2
Water 1 cup
Citric Acid a pinch
Pool out the stems and wash the cherries. The cherries have to be pitted, I have a plastic piece, I think it is called cherry pitter, I picked up in one of the cooking stores for about $10 bucks or less, works wonders, just make sure that you put the cherry with the side where the stem was down.
When cherries are finally pitted poor the water into the pot, I prefer using rather larger non-stick pot, seems to be working the best for me, though neither my mother or my grandmother ever had non-stick pots and they never had problem with jam/preserve/jelly ever sticking to the bottom of the pot, no such luck for me. The larger the pot the less chances that the content will over boils and thus less cleaning to do in the end.
Oops, did not mean to tell family history, back to recipe. Boil water then add sugar, mix constantly, you should lower the heat. When sugar boils add cherries and bring to boil again, when the whole thing boils turn the heat up and cook for about an hour. While it’s cooking steer often. Just like in the soup you should pick the dirty foam forming on the top surface in preserve making you should pick the white foam forming on the top surface. It is not garbage though it is a pure sugar, I love that stuff and always collect and set aside. While all of this cooking you will need to boil one lemon. Put it into cold water bring to a boil and let it boil for about 5 minutes or so. This will help to make skin not biter. Peel the skin from the other lemon. Slice both into somewhat thin slices, not too thin and add to pot about 20 minutes before the preserve is ready, like 40 minutes into cooking. When it gets close to the hour start checking the readiness, depending on how fast or slow you boil the thing it will affect the final time count. When ready add citric acid mix well and let it cook for couple more minutes. Poor into hot jars when hot, let it cool, cover, store in dry cool place for up the time you ate the whole batch.
Now couple of notes. The first time I was making preserve I let it boil the way I boil soup, very slow, wrong. It should really boil, not rolling boil, but you should see constant bubbles, the clue is by the end you should have about half as much volume as you started. Just like when you make meat stock. It is better to overcook preserve than undercook. Though there is a very fine line between two. If you undercook it will be runny and even may get moldy, if you over cook too much it may become a solid chunk of sugar. The simple test to check if it is done is to drop a tiny drop of liquid onto your thumb nail and turn it upside down; if it is cooked right it will stay and not drop. The jars you have few options, you can process them as if for caning, simply poor boiling water over, I like to run them thru dishwasher and time it so they are dry when it’s time to poor the preserve. Using funnel definitely helps, though I am yet to buy one. Before closing the jars the preserve should be fully cooled or you will have moisture form under the lid and that is a big no-no for storing. Also make sure the jar is clean before covering, wipe it with a damp cloth, do not let any water get inside.
You can cook read cherries the same way or you can skip the lemon, I’ve done it both ways.