Senior Cook
I decided to make a Dutch Baby for breakfast, followed Joy Of Cooking recipe 1/2 c milk, 2 lg eggs, 1/4 tsp salt, I added half and half instead of mile, 1 tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp vanilla, whisked together, preheated the oven to 425 with cast iron fry pan in it. removed the pan, melted 1/2 stick of butter,brushed the butter up along the sides, poured batter into the waited a minuets then added some blueberries, place in oven 15 minutes then lowered the temp to 350 for 10 more min. It came out 1/4' thick, tasted wonderful, served it with up strawberrys and blueberrys, great breakfast, just it didn't raise. What did I do wrong??