Food recall: Red Curry Chicken at Costco

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hello GotGarlic, thanks for linking to my site above. I try very hard to keep my recalled food section up-to-date, and even publish a feed that you can subscribe to if you're only interested in food recalls (i.e. no other products, like toys, cars...). You just go to the site you linked to above, click the orange feed icon in the URL bar, and choose Food Recalls. That's if you have a blog/feed reader of some sort, like Bloglines or iGoogle home page.

I'm glad to have found this site and will be bookmarking it for use when I need some advice on a good recipe. I am a terrible cook myself, but I LOVE food!
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