Freezing Cherry Crisp?

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Senior Cook
Oct 30, 2010
Hi All ~
I have been given 50 pounds of sweet Bing cherries! I offered some to friends and neighbors, but they only took enough to eat fresh. No one wants to cook! So, I made a delicious cherry cobbler and am in the process of making another. I want to make this one in smaller portions and freeze them. I've never frozen a crisp. Should I bake and cool the cobblers and then freeze them or should I freeze them before baking? If I bake and then freeze, will the topping be crisp when I reheat it? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!!
Hi, 50 lbs. of fresh Bings, you lucky girl! I'm not sure about freezing the cherry cobbler, but I'm sure someone will be along with more baking knowledge than I.

If I had that many cherries, I'd get busy on freezing them. Wash and pit, lay them flat on a cookie sheet and pop it in the freezer, then bag them up. Make sure as much air as possible is squeezed out of the bag if you don't have a vacuum sealer. I would probably freeze them in 2 cup portions, so you'll know how much you have in each bag. Cakes, pies, muffins, fruit smoothies, :yum: yogurt many possibilities! Good luck and have fun!
I agree with Cheryl... Pit and freeze for later use...

I once tried to freeze a cobbler and the topping became very soggy when thawed.. One reason I started hunting desserts for two...

Thank you, Cheryl and Ross. I will definitely be freezing some of the cherries for future use. Right now I have two baked crisps. I'm going to freeze the smaller one and see what happens when I defrost it and reheat it. I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks, again!

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