Friday Food 3-31-2023

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Himself had leftover fish and chips from Wednesday, so he finished that tonight along with the leftover green beans and roasted carrots from earlier this week. I made a small batch of tuna salad so I could use the two little rolls we brought home from O'Connor's. I also made a bigger batch of potato salad, mostly to have with hot dogs this weekend. I cut up a couple baby Campari tomatoes and a
Persian cucumber. Dessert will be a Cara Cara orange.

What did you eat tonight?
I discovered that, while you can usually substitute medaillons of pork tenderloin for pork chops, it wasn't ideal for pork chops Lyonnaise. A slightly fattier cut of pork would probably have been a bit juicier and more tender. It was the last time I made this dish. It was still good. We had medaillons of pork loin Lyonnais with butter braised sunroots (Jerusalem artichokes), and a salad of curly lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, rainbow chard, scallion greens, shaved red onion, corn kernels, and peas. We were celebrating that DH got a promotion and a new title at work, so we had Codorniu, a Cava (traditional, Spanish bubbly), with supper. It was a very enjoyable meal, even though I forgot the Dijon in the sauce for the pork.


  • Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad 2.jpg
    Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad 2.jpg
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  • Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad 3.jpg
    Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad 3.jpg
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  • Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad.jpg
    Pork tenderloin medaillons Lyonnais, butter braised sunroots, and a salad.jpg
    197.6 KB · Views: 19
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Congratulations to Stirling! Hopefully the promotion and new job title come with an increase in pay.
Apparently, it does come with a raise, but I don't know when that kicks in. One of the best parts is that it doesn't really change his job. He is happy being a software engineer. He has no desire to move into management.
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