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Master Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Columbia, SouthCarolina
I was subbing today & 2 minutes before school let out, a tornado touched down in the school's parking lot. There were only a few minor injuris from what I have heard on the radio & TV. All of the children & faculty at the school were safe, they put us on lock down before anyone had a chance to leave. Here's a short video of the parking lot after the storm. Sky 4 Video From Liberty Elementary School
I'm glad you are all safe. That would be very scary. We are on tornado watch until ll:00 pm tonight.
Thanks BigDog, Katie, & licia! I'm still shaking!! We live about 1/4 mile from the school & everything here looks normal.

Katie, it wasn't even normal, I've been through one once before & this was totally diffrent. Where I was in the school, I was looking out of a window & the wind wasn't even blowing. I heard a boom, like a transformer blowing & the power went out. That was when we were told to get the kids in the hallway.
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so glad you and the little ones are okay. That must have been so frightening..Keep safe.
crewsk said:
Thanks BigDog, Katie, & licia! I'm still shaking!! We live about 1/4 mile from the school & everything here looks normal.

Katie, it wasn't even normal, I've been through one once before & this was totally diffrent. Where I was in the school, I was looking out of a window & the wind wasn't even blowing. I heard a boom, like a transformer blowing & the power went out. That was when we were told to get the kids in the hallway.

That's one of the amazing things about tornadoes. They can demolish what appears to be selected areas and leave others almost feet away untouched. To me, that makes them especially scary.

We've had both the "boom" kind and the kind that sound like a huge train or plane roaring through. Regardless, it's all very frightening
That is very scary - I live in CA, so never experienced a tornado, just earthquakes.
Two years ago we saw them forming and drove like crazy to get home.

One hit as we got out of the car.

Could barely move but got inside.

Were heading to the cellar when everything went quiet. Three minutes after we got into the house, opened the door.

We live on a hill and our frontage had 40 trees 40 to 80 feet just down. Some within two feet of our house.

The TV dish on the roof was jiggled out of place a bit. That was the only damage to the house.

In the neighborhood one house would have one corner of a house just sheared off and the rest left undisturbed. It was amazing.

I think most people don't think about tornados because their damage is generally so limited, only less than a one mile irregular narrow swarth was destroyed.

On the other hand, hurricanes and earthquakes involve large areas in their devastation. And many people feel, and share, their effects.

Am just glad you and your students are fine.
OMG, crewsk! How scary! Is that the school TC and Savannah are in, too? Thank heavens you're all OK. I hope to never experience a tornado. One hit about 15 miles from here 2 years ago, demolishing an entire neighborhood. It's pretty rare in this area.
:ohmy: glad to know you and the students were all ok. Does South Carolina normally get tornados? This is such wierd weather this winter. We are in southern Michigan and our temp was in the 50's today.
I am so relieved! I just saw the news and they showed your school on our news. I knew you subbed but I didn't know if that was your school. I came here right away to make sure you and your family were ok.

Stargazer, South Carolina has a lot more tornados than people think, especially I think in the general area where crewsk lives. Years before I moved to South Carolina there was a bad one in the area I first lived here. A friend of mine lost her sister in that one. It killed a lot of people and destroyed a lot of buildings, including a K-Mart store.

Ohhh, you poor thing! I've only ever experienced the warning period prior to, and I remember vividly how the wind kicked up, the sky turned some awful bizzare green-ish color, and the sirens went off all over the city. We were all in a park for some sort of musical event and we just ran like crazy people.

The documentaries on tornadoes scare the dickens out of me. Happy I don't live where there are tornadoes (not that the earthquakes are exactly fun!)

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