The Kalymnian food has been fantastic, wine also.. I have photos to share, but later. Internet time needs replenishing, but I'll try and be back here before leaving for home this weekend..
Weather has been great, but very hot and humid. Tonight (20:15 time of posting it's 34C outside with a raging 80% humidity. Lol, almost hot enough to slow cook Greek fassiola (giantes). Me? I'm sweating like a pig, Jill my daughter also despite the internet caff's air con is switched on but ain't making it.
Neither is this cranky old Greek keyboard. Sorry for any typos...
Apart from early morning and late evening, we've stayed in. Done some good clubbing though, Jll and I. Started out at midnight through to 05:00 whereupon slightly tiddly we crawl home to crash out until midday. And, some pretty good drinking, too.
As ever, the Kalymnian guys have been flirty. But got nowhere, teehee!
An interestingthing I want you guys to realise. In Greece, same as Kalymnos, a 12 year old girl can enter a supermarket, buy and take out a case of Scotch. Unbelieveable, the Greek drinking laws for young people. Even more unbelieveable is fact that you will not see one Kalymnian child or teenager drunk. This is because they do not disgrace their parents with drunkness, so instead they drink soft drinks, though they smoke. Cigs (Lucky Strike of which am particularly fond of as with Karelias Sprecial Virginia) are only 3 euros a packet. Marvellos. Also, we've been sipping Margueritas by the pool, chartered a fishing boat with family for the day and chilled on the ocean. Jill proudly line-caught a 30 lb swordfish, but had to have assistence reeling the brute in. Then she caught a conger, a 5 foot nasty and that's when we shinned up the fo'c'sle flipping blooming pronto!
One of our family members, 'T', fearlessly danged it into submission with a 10 mallet. She has more courage than men twice her age. That evening we pigged out on souvlaki swordfish, green salad, chips and a case of fine white wine.
To the drinkers here, a sound piece of advice..
Beer before wine - fine.
Wine before beer - queer.
I should take my advice more often.
The holiday has had some 'downs', however, I wish not to share them here except to say that apart from the never-ending heat, humidity and certain persistant Greek men of which thoroughly deserved receiving a da**ed good hiding from this English girl and her lovely daughter, our holiday has been great fun, if rather interesting.
See you soon I hope.
With much love and fondness to you all at DC,
Weather has been great, but very hot and humid. Tonight (20:15 time of posting it's 34C outside with a raging 80% humidity. Lol, almost hot enough to slow cook Greek fassiola (giantes). Me? I'm sweating like a pig, Jill my daughter also despite the internet caff's air con is switched on but ain't making it.
Apart from early morning and late evening, we've stayed in. Done some good clubbing though, Jll and I. Started out at midnight through to 05:00 whereupon slightly tiddly we crawl home to crash out until midday. And, some pretty good drinking, too.
An interestingthing I want you guys to realise. In Greece, same as Kalymnos, a 12 year old girl can enter a supermarket, buy and take out a case of Scotch. Unbelieveable, the Greek drinking laws for young people. Even more unbelieveable is fact that you will not see one Kalymnian child or teenager drunk. This is because they do not disgrace their parents with drunkness, so instead they drink soft drinks, though they smoke. Cigs (Lucky Strike of which am particularly fond of as with Karelias Sprecial Virginia) are only 3 euros a packet. Marvellos. Also, we've been sipping Margueritas by the pool, chartered a fishing boat with family for the day and chilled on the ocean. Jill proudly line-caught a 30 lb swordfish, but had to have assistence reeling the brute in. Then she caught a conger, a 5 foot nasty and that's when we shinned up the fo'c'sle flipping blooming pronto!
To the drinkers here, a sound piece of advice..
Beer before wine - fine.
Wine before beer - queer.
The holiday has had some 'downs', however, I wish not to share them here except to say that apart from the never-ending heat, humidity and certain persistant Greek men of which thoroughly deserved receiving a da**ed good hiding from this English girl and her lovely daughter, our holiday has been great fun, if rather interesting.
See you soon I hope.
With much love and fondness to you all at DC,
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