Kirkland Shrimp from India

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The sad part about my whole thread is that I never really dug into where shrimp came from or what the waters they live in impart to their flavor. I have bought frozen "shrimp" from Publix for years and been satisfied with the flavor without knowing where it came from. It wasn't until I bought the shrimp from Costco/India that I noticed a huge flavor downfall.
It appears that you and I are reading from the same source. Thank you so much for the information you have shared as it is very helpful and appreciated. I live in Virginia (Maine transplant), but not on the coast, so I never buy "fresh" shrimp from local seafood shops as I assume they have already been frozen and thawed at least once before they arrived there.
I still would like to better understand the flavor difference between browns and whites.

I figure that once the shrimp are frozen, it's best to leave them frozen until you're ready to cook them.

As for the flavor differences, sounds like a side by side tasting is in order. Of course, that could get expensive. :ohmy:

I don't know anything about the differences within the species of shrimp, but I did find this article that I found interesting as part of following rabbit holes as this thread progressed. Other than doing a side by side comparison, I felt that it answered some questions!
I don't know anything about the differences within the species of shrimp, but I did find this article that I found interesting as part of following rabbit holes as this thread progressed. Other than doing a side by side comparison, I felt that it answered some questions!

Good information, but I buy what I can get, and as much as possible, buy as local as I can. That would be those Gulf Whites in the article. I can get those in any grocery store here, at any time.

The local preference is a carbon footprint thing, which I know is "woke" these days, and also wanting to support farmers, ranchers and fishermen close to home.

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It appears that you and I are reading from the same source. Thank you so much for the information you have shared as it is very helpful and appreciated. I live in Virginia (Maine transplant), but not on the coast, so I never buy "fresh" shrimp from local seafood shops as I assume they have already been frozen and thawed at least once before they arrived there.
I still would like to better understand the flavor difference between browns and whites.
it's probably a personal preference thing, possibly influenced by cooking method/dish...?

we have a super local fishmonger - fresh whole fish of all sorts from east coast USA types to Mediterranean "caught yesterday" fish - the eyes tell that story, hard to fake the eyes/gills.... plus mussels, clams, oysters (seasonally) - crabs, seasonally - but the shrimp....all come out of a frozen 5 pound block they thaw "in the back"

did a consulting gig in Las Vegas, close contact with the air freight shippers . . .
Las Vegas landed two 747 freighters, loaded to the gills, every day - that carried nothing but fresh seafood - that's like 120 tons per day.....
except.....shrimp - frozed shrimp came by truck....
specialty stuff like Alaskan Tiger Prawns - those were fresh-not-frozen. but the all you can eat buffets did not serve fresh-never-frozen shrimp.
I don't know anything about the differences within the species of shrimp, but I did find this article that I found interesting as part of following rabbit holes as this thread progressed. Other than doing a side by side comparison, I felt that it answered some questions!
That is a great article. Thank you so much for sharing.
it's probably a personal preference thing, possibly influenced by cooking method/dish...?

we have a super local fishmonger - fresh whole fish of all sorts from east coast USA types to Mediterranean "caught yesterday" fish - the eyes tell that story, hard to fake the eyes/gills.... plus mussels, clams, oysters (seasonally) - crabs, seasonally - but the shrimp....all come out of a frozen 5 pound block they thaw "in the back"

did a consulting gig in Las Vegas, close contact with the air freight shippers . . .
Las Vegas landed two 747 freighters, loaded to the gills, every day - that carried nothing but fresh seafood - that's like 120 tons per day.....
except.....shrimp - frozed shrimp came by truck....
specialty stuff like Alaskan Tiger Prawns - those were fresh-not-frozen. but the all you can eat buffets did not serve fresh-never-frozen shrimp.
I appreciate your time and patience with me and all of the information you have provided. I do agree that everyone's palette is different, so WHO knows which shrimp is best for WHICH dish. I definitely enjoyed the Gulf White shrimp used in a simple "peal and eat" situation. Next time I think I will try to find some Gulf Brown shrimp using the same method to see if I notice any taste difference.
Lots of fish and shrimp in Seoul sitting out all day


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