Guess what this is a photo of!

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I said the name of this item is food related, not its use. Sorry for the confusion.

It is one of many items that perform a certain function and actually look quite different from one another, much like those bicycle racks looked different from one another. This particular item has a name that the manufacturer chose to put a food name in it.

It is used outside.
It helps that I shoot archery!!! Ok I've never done this and can't figure out how to put a picture on. If someone else wants to take over go ahead.I'll figure it out eventually,but it might take awhile.
:LOL: Yes, that would give you an edge by shooting archery.

Find or take a pic.
Save it to your pc and change the name if it refers to what the pic is of. Or don't if you want to give us a big hint :LOL:
Upload it to a website. There are free ones out there if you don't have a website. Image Shack being one that I've heard of.
When you reply to this thread, click on the yellow photo icon that looks like the one in Outlook Express. An address box will appear that you can type or paste the url where your picture is into.
If you did everything correctly you will see your pic in your reply before clicking submit.

I'm sure there's directions here somewhere if you didn't follow that.

You don't even have to have it hosted on a server.

click "go advanced" below the quick reply box down at the bottom of this page. Type in what you want to say, such as "OK. Who is this and what made them famous." Click "manage attachments" in the Additional Options section of the reply page. Find your picture by using the "browse" button. Then click "upload." Once the file has uploaded, click "Close this window." At this point you can Preview Post to make sure the picture attached. If it did, just click "submit reply." If it didn't, just try to "manage attachments" again.

This has the added bonus of allowing those of us for whom photobucket, flickr and other media sites are blocked at work to see the pictures. I can't see half of what people post because they're hosted on those sites.
wow, Thanks Phinz, I never knew about that either, I`ve always uploaded to my site and linked to that.

Cheerz! :D
Who is this and what made them famous?


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