Guess what this is a photo of!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, process of elimination time.

Northern Hemisphere?

There's an airport and a small city directly north of the extinct(?) volcano... haven't been able to scare a name out of Google yet though.
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Hmm... could it be Easter Island?

Can't get Google Maps down close enough. Think I'm finally going to have to get a new computer, this peice of junk really needs to go.
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Sorry took so long, left the computer, didn't think my answer was correct.

What I did was blow the image up, and noticed a runway just north of the large volcanic crater... so I did a Google search for "crater south of the airport" and got a single hit from a marathon fourm...

Anyway... Whasis?


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Okay, I'll start with a wild guess. First, does it attach to something else or is that the whole thing?

Is it some kind of reel mechanism for an amusement park ride or for some kind of exercise equipment?

I was actually half kidding about that lol...

Ok, what's this handsome little fellow called?


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WooHoo! It has been awhile since I have gotten one!

Okay, what is this place and what happened here?



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Let's see if I can make it bigger. :cool:Hmmm, it is a little distorted, but maybe I can clean it up later when I have more time.


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Only because of the person who did something there. This will be a tough one, but I will give hints.

First hint: 1842

Abe Lincoln was married Springfield Illinois.

(Mary Todd's sister's home?)
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