Guess what this is a photo of!

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Oh I suppose I have to go find something now.....

I shall return.

ok, here goes.
This shouldn't be too tough to track down.
What is this fishy's common name. No, not his call name :LOL:
Sorry for the quality, old pic


  • fishy.JPG
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Lionfish? Had a friend get stung in her tank by one. That would suck.
No, not enough sticking out thingys. I'm gonna have to get the fish book.

Maybe I should wake DH up he'd know.

Maybe an angel of sorts?
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No, suzquzie, not a Lionfish, though I did have those too. Same striping now that you bring it up....
Crocea Clam

If I'm right I won't be able to post anything til tomorrow night just to ley y'all know.
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I thought it was an oyster of some kind, but you sure sound like you've got it, Jen.

I'm gonna look it up :^)
close, very close but no.
I meant to pick that one tho, thats my next addition to the tank!! (my b-day present)
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