Happy Birthday To Me!

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Been a little busy getting ready for my birthday!

My Mom sent me one of my favorite things, a new apron!
My Sister sent me a Penzey's Spice Gift Box, how did she know?
I just love the Tea Towels!
The 'bumper sticker' is now living on my deep freezer, where I go to collect what I'm going to make dinner with! :chef:
For my birthday, I wanted to go bowling!
Mind you, DH is still in his Bionic Arm Apparatus, so he just keep score and laughed!
Then on that special night, I cooked dinner for DH and I, Cowboy Rib Eye Steaks, Loaded Baked Potatoes and a small side salad, sorry got to excited and missed the photo op, but trust me when I tell you, I was in heaven!
Lastly, Cake and Champagne!
Ice Cream? NAW! Homemade Chocolate Cake with a Ganache Frosting. Did I make it? Why yes, yes I did.
What? You didn't dig a hole in the backyard for a whole pig?

Happy birthday. How many times have you turned 29 now? ;)

Mahalo, thank you all for the kind birthday wishes!
(and no, C-Dog, we can't have an Imu in our backyard, the HOA frowns on that sort of thing :LOL:)

We had enough Steak to feed the two us three times and Baked Potato for two of those meals :ohmy: Don't they make foods smaller anymore? Oh well, those are the kinds of leftover DH likes :yum:
After DH's PT session today, we met Mister Dear Friend for lunch.
I ordered a "Burger, Fries Crisp please, and a draft Beer."
DH turns to me and says, "Don't you think it's a bit early to be drinking?"
My reply as I held up my hand, "... now we can't be friends anymore."
We both just about busted a gut laughing so hard, good thing we were the only table in the joint! :ROFLMAO:
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