Homemade Kimchi

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
They only were selling huge nappa cabbages. I needed one for a chow main I made, and had a significant amount of left over. Not wanting it to go to waste, I decided to make kimchi. I'm not a big fan of kimchi. It's one of those things that became so main stream in recent years, and I just don't get it. Not that it's bad, I just don't understand the hype. Anyway, I had recently bought kimchi, as I needed it in a recipe I was making. I only used a bit, and had most the jar left over. Although I'm not crazy about it, I found myself picking at it all week. That spicy, salty, tangy, tingly-fermented feel on my tongue. Can't explain it, but was kind of addicting. So, now I have a few jars of homemade, which tastes pretty good and very close to what I had bought.

I remember the first time I made kimchi years ago. When it was finished, I tasted it and said to myself ' I cant believe this is what everyone is going so crazy about. It really doesnt taste too good. I must have messed up the recipe. At that point I decided to buy some from the store, to compare. Sure enough, mine tasted pretty much the same as the stores.

Not only does my wife not like it, but she complains every time I open the jar, cause the smelll of fermented cabbage penetrates the whole house. I man currently typing this as the stench is making its way all over the house.

***I made a vegan version/ no fish sauce or products***


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Love kimchi. There's always kimchi somewhere on the menu. Right now I put it in a pancake which is part of a vegetarian entree going with grilled king oyster mushroom bulgogi. It's a polar dish I think, when someone doesn't like it, they generally makes faces lol.
Love kimchi. There's always kimchi somewhere on the menu. Right now I put it in a pancake which is part of a vegetarian entree going with grilled king oyster mushroom bulgogi. It's a polar dish I think, when someone doesn't like it, they generally makes faces lol.
Im probably one of those people who makes a face ;) but I continue to pick at it. I love King oyster mushrooms, especially the consistency.
Although I'm not crazy about it, I found myself picking at it all week. That spicy, salty, tangy, tingly-fermented feel on my tongue. Can't explain it, but was kind of addicting. So, now I have a few jars of homemade, which tastes pretty good and very close to what I had bought.
That's pretty much how I feel about kimchi and it is good in fried rice. So, you don't use any fish sauce or shrimp paste, eh? Do you substitute something or do you just leave it out. I really don't want to buy one more exotic ingredient that I only have one recipe for and it will sit in my fridge for a few years, until I finally decide that I will never use it again.
That's pretty much how I feel about kimchi and it is good in fried rice. So, you don't use any fish sauce or shrimp paste, eh? Do you substitute something or do you just leave it out. I really don't want to buy one more exotic ingredient that I only have one recipe for and it will sit in my fridge for a few years, until I finally decide that I will never use it again.
Seems like a good pinch of MSG would give it that umami touch it would get from fish sauce or shrimp paste.
This is the recipe I used. Worked out well for me. I've never tased kimchi with any shrimp or fish products, so I have nothing to compare it to.

***Instead of the radishes, I used a turnip I had picked from the garden. Worked out well***

This is the recipe I used. Worked out well for me. I've never tased kimchi with any shrimp or fish products, so I have nothing to compare it to.

***Instead of the radishes, I used a turnip I had picked from the garden. Worked out well***

Yeah Larry the fish sauce and salted fermented shrimp really makes this dish and a lot of people including myself wouldn't really consider it a "kimchi" without it, but it is what it is. What is missing, I'll call it a baritone low note with a funky pungent heady high note.

I looked at the recipe you used and may I suggest that a decent substitution that might add some umami and added character might be a miso or a fermented bean paste and possibly in conjunction with some seaweed product. I think that is where i would go if I decided to put a vegan kimchi on the menu. :)
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I too, wondered what all the hype was about. I finally bought a jar just to see. Didn't like it, gave it to my son and DIL and it is still just sitting in their fridge. :whistling
I've had hot kimchi and medium hot, and I like the medium hot kimchi. I make it vegan for me and my adult son, a little hot. The more variety of veggies in it the better. We can it and for a long time my son added it to rice and had that for lunch at work, because it was just so easy to assemble. It's good for your gut biome with the fermentation especially if fresh fermented.
I buy this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005G8TWCI/

And this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011OJU2X0/

and I really like the chili paste for flavor with cabbage when I don't have time for fermentation.
Kimchi is literally my favorite food.

My ex partner is Korean American and her family had a very successful food business that she took over. They made kimchi to sell and they made kimchi for their family to eat at every meal. OMG YUM. Now she focuses on sauces. Look for RheiMaid Gochujang. Dont buy that crappy Roland product.

Kimchi is more a preparation than a "thing." There are dozens and dozens of ways to make it. Ingredients vary. Fermenting times vary. Ive made it many times but not as well as my former inlaws.

My wife and I went to Korea in October and there was a huge buffet at breakfast. It featured a huge kimchi and hot white rice bar. I was in heaven! My favorite breakfast!
Thanks for the instruction @jennyema . Next time I'm at Macy's I'll look for it. :ROFLMAO: The roland product is great, we love the taste.
Her products are at Macy's I think. She does retail but mostly sells to high end restaurants.

Im not shilling her great products here but they are made with all natural ingredients using her family's 150 year old recipe. There is a huge difference in taste.

I helped her make it and know how special it is!
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