How picky of an eater are you?

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Seven for me. Collards, eggplant, liver, beets, grapefruit, blue cheese, and raw onions.

How about you?
Four for me + one bonus food, unlisted. Not too bad, but the day is young.

Collards. Maybe not the actual collards. The first time I ate this there was a hidden gelatinous meat mass hiding in it.


Raw fish. No sushi for me. Used to like ceviche.

Liver. Once in awhile, I will eat liverwurst

Edamame. All that GMA growing it causes an unnatural glow.
I'm ok with everything on the list.

I'm a picky eater in the sense that I only like to eat what I want when I want it, prepared in a way that I enjoy.

Now that I'm old and usually the one paying the bill I can get away with it! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
I've never had boba, but looked it up and I'd try it. I will never knowingly eat licorice again. Not really all that fond of tofu, but I'd eat it again if it was in a dish that appealed. I also will never knowingly eat sardines again as I had them once fried as part frutti di mare dish and ended up with a killer headache. I could taste the iodine (allergic) in them and stupidly ate them anyway.
Brussel Sprouts..not even bacon can save them

goat cheese...tastes like goats smell late husband loved it, and I hated the smell of his breath when he'd eat it.
I would willingly eat anything on that list and do eat all of them more or less regularly.

That's a weird list because none of the things on it are "exotic" or odd ...
My no no's are:

shrimp - sometimes I'll eat a fried shrimp
liver - all though I do eat liverwurst
raw fish
goat cheese
I eat most of what on the list, I do have allergies but that doesnt make me a picky eater, just a dead one if I do eat it.. or just full of hives.
Never heard of boba, and had to look it up. Sounds OK to me. Otherwise, I eat everything on the list, putting me in the human garbage disposal category.
No Brussels sprouts or liver for me.

Didn't realize that “boba” was bubble/tapioca tea. I'd be willing to try it
When I first saw this list, I figured I'd come up as pretty picky. After actually reading over the items, there are only five I will not eat. There are a few I would not cross the street to eat, but they're OK if they're put in front of me. In my defense, I have tried every food on this list at least once. In a few cases I learned that my Mom was wrong on occasion - there are foods that I cannot "learn to love". :LOL: My forbidden five:

Bleu Cheese - or, in my case, "blech" cheese. If you like it, here's my share *pushes plate towards you*
raw fish - I've had sashimi once or twice, barely seared tuna once. Good thing I was born into a Polish family and not a Japanese one.
sardines - just "no"
lamb - don't like the flavor
cilantro - AKA soap

A qualifier for the liver: I had to eat liver and onions (with a copious bacon bribery) often as a kid. When I was pregnant, Mom would make it when she and Dad came over because "it was good for the babies". I decided after the kids were born that I had consumed a lifetime supply of liver. I still will eat Braunschweiger, gooseliver, or liverwurst, however. Go figure. :LOL:

...That's a weird list because none of the things on it are "exotic" or odd ...
It doesn't have to be "exotic" for someone to not eat it. I don't eat something if I don't enjoy the flavor or texture.

raw fish- I've had too many food safety/bacteriology courses

beets- tops and bottoms taste and smell offensive to me

pickles- in my opinion, a rude thing to do to a vegetable

cilantro- tastes like soap

sardines- just don't like the taste
I had my first experience with "Boba" a few weeks ago. It wasn't bad, but not good either. The big tapioca balls at the bottom of the drink looked a lot like fish eyes, were chewy and tasteless. I didn't get the point at all. :ermm:
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HA! :LOL: I like everyone's responses.

For myself, there are two items that I just can not get down:

Sardines, in my humble opinion are the most disgusting smell on Earth... well, to be fair, I'm referring to canned Sardines. I've never had fresh and grilled little fish as they make in Italy for instance, that's might be good.

Eggplant: I just can't anymore! I O.D.'d on them as a kid. My Dad had a bumper crop of them in his tiny backyard garden one Summer and I swear to you all, that was all we ate ALL SUMMER!!! I'll cook it for my Mother, who surprisingly, still loves the stuff, go figure.

And as to Boba, YUM! Bubble Tea is big in Hawaii, all kinds of different flavors... but here in cowboyville, they've heard of it ;)
I eat most of what on the list, I do have allergies but that doesnt make me a picky eater, just a dead one if I do eat it.. or just full of hives.
I think it's more about what you dislike so much you won't eat it. I also didn't count a couple of things I can't eat for medical reasons.
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