Hurricane Florence Is Coming!

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Every so often a hurricane will come up the coast and hit Boston. Fortunately not too often.

My youngest daughter was only a couple of months old. We lived on the third floor of a walkup. At the front of the house, the second and third floors had a front porch. Sure enough, that was the year a nameless hurricane paid us a visit. We were living in Chelsea at the time. At the turn of the century Chelsea had a major fire that almost leveled the whole city. When they rebuilt, it was done so with bricks instead of wood. We lived in a wood building. And sure enough, of all the buildings ours was the only one that received any damage. A gust of wind that took off the front porch also took down a tree that took off the back porch. Oddly enough we still had electricity and the phones were still working. I called the police department and told them my dilemma. A newborn along with two older ones, and with no means of safely leaving the building. I was nursing. So feeding the baby was not a problem. The police department to the rescue. They piled us all in and drove us to my parents house. Went back home two days later and both porches had been rebuilt.
Given that the deer's ancestors where there long before the humans built a house, s/he probably thinks that the humans are very kind to grow such tasty plants just for his/her delectation.
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