I'm not sure what to think

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
The doctor couldn't tell me what is going on. She heard the palpitations while listening to my chest.
They made an appointment with Cardiologist.
I couldn't even think to ask questions. My blood was drawn, so, I guess I will wait until that comes back and if nothing shows there, I just make appointment with another doctor and see what they say. I'm kinda in a mood of non belief and maybe she is sending me to them because she doesn't know what to do with it and is just humoring me??
Texas... if you're still worried don't wait for the results. Just call the
cardio guy. Being worried and stressed out can't be good for you.
: )
Texas, she's doing the right thing! Whenever ANY doctor says you have ANYTHING that is not a normal condition, you should ALWAYS get at least one or two more doctors' opinions! Many people have been misdiagnosed and have suffered from it. Do the right thing by asking as many questions to all the doctors. Also, write questions down on a pad of paper that you keep in your purse. That way, when you get to your appointments, you are better prepared. Prayers your way!
Texas, keep the faith baby. Slow down & take a deep breath. SOP, doctors run tests first. Hold on & wait for the results, then go from there. Think you're jumping the gun. Wait. You made the right decision in seeking a physician. Let them do what they need to do to make a diagnosis. All good thoughts go your way.
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Nope, I'm not jumping the gun, I just hope the doctor isn't jumping the gun in sending me to a Cardiologist before the blood work comes back.
Hey Tex.....my prayers are with you girl. I know what its like to know something is going on with your body but the doctors aren't sure. How soon were they able to get you in to see the Cardiologist? I know sometimes those appointments are really booked and it can take quite awhile to get in. If thats the case, call the cardiologists office and see if they have a list you can be put on in......to be called in case someone cancels. Jkath is right......keep a little notebook in your purse and jot down any questions that come to mind. You may want to take notes when the cardiologist is answering these questions also.......it may be a good idea to have a family member or friend go with you too....sometimes they ask questions you may not think of. Also, while your at it keep track of each episode you experience and what you were doing when the symptoms occur. In the meantime, try your best to relax. (HUGS!!)
I'd say you have yourself a pretty good doctor because he/she isn't taking a chance with your health......he/she did the right thing by sending you for blood work and getting you an appointment to see a specialist. Now when you go see the Cardiologist he/she will already have this part of your testing out of the way. I can't tell you how many friends of mine will come to me and say......I'm having this problem and went to the doctor and all he did was order labs and the labs came back and they say their ok but I'm still having the problem. I automatically tell them to demand to see a specialist.
About eight years ago, my son was 2 months old. I took him for a car ride in the winter, he was in his snow suit and we were in the car for maybe 20 minutes. At our destination when we got there he was dripping in sweat...normal? Hardly. I took him to the doctor and his nornmal one wasnt in but I was not leaving till I got answers! Sooner or later I was sent to the hospital with him and was told he had a murmur!! NO ONE told me that that was just a sound the heart made....regardless, the next day we were sent to Stollery's(hospital for sick kids). Turns out he had THREE hole sin his heart! His regular doctor with all my concerns over the first 2 1/2 months said he was fine!

Not to long ago I was having flutters or so in my heart....went to the docvtor, nothing abnormal, do you think your heart will do whats it does normally on demand? Never, same as boiling water. Anyways, the point is, I still have them and even with an ECG? i think it was (echocardiogram) they couldnt find anything......get LOTS and LOTS of opinions. I still havent gone back and am sure ill pay for it, but Ive adjusted to having them, im not too worried with them as I was before. I still worry but I tuck it away. If its VERY bothersome dont wait....go till you get the right answer and be strong! Look it up on the net, find out info on your symptoms take notes, WRITE your concerns and questions down! You may feel foolish for doing it, but you'll remember when you get to the doctors to ask the questions for you will have them with you!

I hope things work for you, I really really do, and most times our worries are more so than they should be. Good luck to you and make sure you let us know how things go!!!
Thanks you guys!!
I like having someone that isn't family and pitying me to give me real advise.
Hey, TexasGirl - just adding my "hang-in-there" and you're getting tons of great advice here. (Maybe this should be the DC - Discuss Cardiology - thread!) Some of us here have obviously been through some interesting cardiac moments and we know how scary it is for you - especially when things start flopping around in your chest. Be glad you have a doctor who is sending you on to a specialist - that's the one who can get things moving.
TexasGirl, We will say a pray for you. It is possible that you are fine. Just find something to keep you busy as not to worry all the time. I am sure you will be fine. We Love You Gal!:rolleyes:
Texas, glad you had the appointment..You are on the road now and the specialist will know what to do for you. I can tell you after you see him/her and talk things over, you will feel better..It will take a huge load off you mind and your body...I agree taking someone like a close friend or family member who is able to stay calm and reasonable with you is a good idea., If you are like most of us, you will get home sit down and think what did he/she SAY?? plus they just might ask the right question and get you an answer right now...Hang in there girl, we love you.

Apparently your doctor is a General Practitioner (GP) - family doctor - or maybe you went to see your GYN (some women do because they feel more comfortable with them)? She did the right thing to refer you to a Cardiologist - GP's and GYN's don't have specialized training in Cardiology to diagnose and treat cardiac problems ... they generally just know enough to detect a problem. The blood test results should be back to your doctor in 24-48 hours (depending on what she ordered and the lab it might be as much as 72-hours) .... but even if they are negative for elevated cardiac enzymes, electrolyte imbalance, etc. - it doesn't mean you don't a problem! You've got symptoms, don't you? The blood test will just narrow down the field on what could be wrong - and the results will/should be passed on to the Cardiologist.

The other night when I mentioned that your doctor would probably do an EKG/ECG (same thing - depends on if you're going by the original German or English spelling) and a blood test, Cardiac Stress Test, and Holter Monitoring you hadn't mentioned having a heart murmur. Something else they might do is an Echocardiogram. It, too, is no big deal ... it's essentially the same as a sonogram ... but instead of looking at a baby they are looking at your heart. The only discomfort is when they first squirt that cold gel on your chest (exactly the same thing they use on your belly for a sonogram - and just as cold). The echo might help them "see" why you have a murmur.

The main thing is to keep your doctor's (Cardiologist) appointment and get it checked out. Second opinions? Heck - you don't even have a FIRST opinion yet!

I'm on your side - and praying for you. I'm REALLY glad you didn't put off going to see the doc until Friday as your appointment was originally scheduled.
Yea, I know about not knowing what to ask, I did that today when she asked if I had any questions and I said nope. By 3 I had several questions about why she wanted me to go to the Cardiologists and what they would be looking for in the blood work. Well, I guess I will find out when I get the test back. I hate waiting.
I love you guys, you are all so special!!!

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