
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Assistant Cook
Sep 20, 2006
Hi, my first name is Karen. I am 53 and have cooked ever since I can
remember. I Just finished a 2 year program in culinary arts. I am a
part time assistant cook at one of the top restaurants in the area. I
have also just started fiddling around with cake decorating. It was my
weakest,( along with eggs!) unit until we got to marzipan and fondant.
That I was better at. But I really need work with the bag and
buttercream. I cant seem to get the timing. Just when I get a good run
going I then lose it. I always thought I would like to cater after my
education. Working in a restaurant kitchen where the menu changes daily
and everything is made from scratch: all the way down to smoking our
own bacon and mincing garlic at the last minute for the dish to
order,  has proven, for me to be much more exciting.  We have
a very small kitchen, only 3, max 4, cooks at a time.  There is no
yelling, screaming or throwing things.  When I am moving to
slowly, and we are really busy my chef will ask me for things "as soon
as possible."<br>
I also want to tell ironchef how beautiful his/ her plating is.  I
jumped out at me right away.  Not only is it beautiful but very
practical for production.  Something I have had to work very hard
at.  As one of my chef instructors said, "Karen, your food is
beautiful but its not going to one bit of good if you don't get it out
on time!! Anyways, enough rambling.  I am just very excited to
have joined a network of foodies!!<br>
Welcome to the site! It sounds like you love what you are doing and doing it in a great place for the right kind of experiences.

Enjoy our forums and share those recipes!!!!!!!!! :chef:

OK, I must ask - what is   supposed to be? :cool: I'm sure it's getting misspelled if you've cut and pasted - I still see some html tags.
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