Its Cold Here

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Interesting custom over here in Kazakhstan (similar to the Polar Bear club though they take it a few steps further) --there is a group of people (women and men) who will chip out the ice on the lake, hang out in the sauna(banya) and then jump into minus 20-40 degrees water then run along the riven bank just in a bathing suit. I'm not exaggerating because it occurs every weekend and I live on the river. I hope to film this if I'm allowed permission to----I'm in such awe!!!! I've heard that vodka ia involved to keep the blood from solidifying though I'm not sure about that. It's truly awesome to watch from the inside of a warm apartment!!!!!! LOL!
Yesterday was the day for a fund-raiser for the library. People were laughing at me. I walked there (what is the big deal, it is a half mile or so). They even thought it was weird that I wore a skirt. Let me tell you, I wore a long wool (albeit lightweight) skirt over high boots that are made in Canada especially for bad weather (but are still attractive ... they look like riding boots). Under the skirt I wore long underwear,and under the boots thermal socks. Since I'm menopausal, I did not wear the long underwear top, which was a mistake walking home. I have an almost ankle length wool coat, much of it lined with velvet (hood and wrists). I had on suede gloves lined with "thinsulate", and "180" ear muffs (I love them!) under my coat hood.

At my time to finish, 1 p.m., I think we were way up to .... one degree? Maybe five? I finished my shift (and yes, I did show our friends some of my underwear when they thought I was crazy for wearing a skirt)(they already think I'm nuts because I walk anywhere under a mile). After doing my couple of hours for the library, my husband met me and we walked the half mile or so (probably a little more, but not much) home. The newspaper bought us part of lunch (I write for them, for free) and we stopped at a couple of watering holes on our way home.

I have many friends who didn't leave their houses this weekend because it was just too ****ed cold. My knees and ankles aren't feeling too great, and today is an exercise class I'm going to skip.

Yeah, I lived in North Dakota and it is much worse than this. Probably not as bad as the UP of MI. But pretty darned cold. Tell Burnsville Hi.
When they showed the national numbers this morning, you got a zero. I got a 5, so I win, I think.
Los Angeles:furious: got an 83. Who do they think they are????

Hot buttered rum, anyone???
Claire said:
Since I'm menopausal, I did not wear the long underwear top, which was a mistake walking home..

hmm, i have a lot of questions on this one, but in the interest of good taste of which i'm rarely accused, i'll let it go.

good thing the kids aren't reading this...
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"in the interest of good taste of which i'm rarely accused"

J'accuse! Sorry Buck, somebody had to do it.

"Hot buttered rum, anyone???"

Are you kidding? it's 8 in the morni... *checking thermometer* On second thought, yes I will. Thank you!
Nothing like so cold here. But don't tell my computer....the little dash board thing that comes up to tell me the weather is convinced that its -19 degrees celcius here in Milano, LOLOLOLOL....its nothing like that at all! BBC website says 7 degrees...much more accurate. But it is damp :( we have a heat lamp for our cats which we leave on through the day and I am sitting under it right now....what a relief it is. The only thing is it shines a low red light, so goodness knows what the neighbours think, lol.

BTW we are not central heating people, used it for only one week in london last year, where, I hold the temperature is lower. BUT this year we have needed it badly with the humidity. The law here is that CH can be on a maximum of ten hours a day at a maximum of 20 degrees celcius. Interesting adjustment for those of us not used to the restriction, but something we will all have to look towards in the future I guess.

Still freezing here to again today, temp 0 -wind chill -17! Yesterday I was wearing gloves while on my laptop! News today said, this wil be the coldest Feb. in thirty years -- I believe them ! I smoke - but not in the house any more, so needless to say, Iam smoking a heck of a lot less ! When you have to bundle up to smoke, they are few and far between :ROFLMAO:!!
It was 0 this morning. Now 5 with a wind chill. It is blowing snow difficult
driving conditions. Left work early. Many schools etc. have been announcing closings. Our wood stove and wood furnace are perking.
We had -7 degrees F this morning, and I am not the least bit interested in knowing the wind chill factor. I sure was hopping around in the barn trying to keep warm while the goats casually munched their grain.

And I had no problem understanding Claire's resistence to long underwear tops. My cousin who I am meeting in MN this week wanted to get me some new silk long underwear, and I quickly said..NO TOPS PLEASE.
Cold again here, too. Coldest it's been so far this winter. Today's in the minus teens with the wind chill. I have family in northern Minnesota who are experiencing -48 F with the wind factor. I know what that's like since I lived there when it was that cold. I was never cold. We just dressed appropriately and coped.

I don't really mind the cold. Actually I'd rather have it cold than warm/hot. Sometimes it gets oppressive here in the summer and I have yet to figure out how to cool off enough to be comfortable. I HAVE learned how to make myself warm in the cold.

Nothin' like the warmth of our woodstove, goose down comfortors and flannel sheets.
You know it's cold when every metal surface you touch dang near electrocutes you! I think I'm carrying enough static electricity to power my neighborhood for a week.
Hey, bucky, it isn't fun! I'm actually sleeping downstairs for most of the night because if I'm gonna sweat, I might as well not make hubby miserable. Since someone has to be up a half dozen times a night, it might as well be me (I'm a long-time insomniac anyway, so why should he suffer?). So it's been me and my dogs in recent years. Yes, we have a good, long term marriage. Hubby jokes about it all and takes it in good nature. We were both blessed with good sense of humour. but I am thinking of wearing the top of the long johns the next time I'm going to walk a half mile or more.
Dear God, its -2 here with a wind chill of -33.
For the first time, in a very long time, they closed schools due to the bitter cold. When I woke up this morning, the actual temperature was -20... Love it.. Still managed to wear sandals to work... Just had to bring socks in the truck just in case.. :)

Its funny. The media says the schools were closed due to the childrens health. RIIIIIIGHT. The teachers didnt want to leave the house. ;)

That's just not true; we did want to leave the house! :huh: Sorry, I thought you meant parents.:rolleyes:

What was that big burning object with the burning tail in the sky over your house Sushi? It was on the 10:00 pm news here. (for real ! ) They said it was a meteorite. Did you hear anything about it. {{{did you have anything to do with this?}}}:ermm:
Robo410 said:
cold here on the mason dixon line ... 8*F with -10 wind chill ... but it's a blue sky day!

I'ts because it was a cloudless night that the temp. dipped down into the single digits. There was no cloud cover to hold the heat from radiating out into space in the form of infra-red. Cloudy weather is almost always warmer that is clear, at least up here in the frozen North.

Oh, and it was a blamy -4 here in the Sault.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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