Lobster Rolls

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
And now that the first little pigout is done with the lobster - it is time to put together for the Lobster Rolls.

I believe traditional is Mayo, wee touch of Mustard, Celery, Chives and shot of Lemon Juice.

My girlfriend likes to also add Tarragon and a pinch of Cayenne.

How do you make them?

of course served on top-split buttered and toasted Hot Dog Buns, lined with lettuce.
I've had them where the lobster was heated in butter and stuffed into the roll or more common in my area cold lobster mixed with mayonnaise and a very small amount of finely chopped onion and celery.

Try to keep it simple, it should be all about the lobster!!! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
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Lobster roll in New England is kept fairly simple. Most just use salt water to steam/boil. The quality of lobster rolls is judged by the amount of lobster meat you get and how few other ingredients are added. Other ingredients are considered filler and a sinister plot to give you less lobster.
Lobster, Mayonnaise.

Same as Andy. But if I have any in the house, I will pull out one of the small center stalks of celery and mince it really, really fine. And I toast the buttered bun. That is the traditional recipe. To add any other seasoning, detracts from the taste of the lobster. I also make sure the lobster is cut into large pieces. It give one the feeling of elegant dining.

The only reason I add the celery is because I need to get veggies into me every time I eat. Otherwise, I stick to tradition. Lobster meat, mayonnaise and a buttered split top New England style hot dog bun toasted.
Lobster roll in New England is kept fairly simple. Most just use salt water to steam/boil. The quality of lobster rolls is judged by the amount of lobster meat you get and how few other ingredients are added. Other ingredients are considered filler and a sinister plot to give you less lobster.

So true Andy. When I order a lobster, I always ask what they put in it. I tell them I need to know due to allergies.(a bold face lie!) If they recite a list of ingredients, then I don't order it. The place in Winthrop my daughter takes me to, gives you really big chunks of lobster with just mayonnaise. And the bun is toasted in butter to perfection on the grill.

Now I want a Lobster Roll!
Lobster roll in New England is kept fairly simple. Most just use salt water to steam/boil.
Using salted water for steaming makes no sense to me. When you bring salt water to a boil, the water is driven off as steam, but the salt remains. That is how desalinization works to obtain drinkable water from sea water. It's also how sea salt is obtained, but that is usually done through normal evaporation, as it's expensive to use all that energy to boil it. Using salted water for boiling lobster is a different kettle of fish, though.
My way, has usually been, as others have said, only enough Mayo to moisten, a few chopped chives which will not overpower, I think they enhance plus add a speck of colour and either a quick grind of pepper or a pinch of cayenne, which I do not find detracts either. I do believe I will put very finely chopped celery this time. I did it once before and was pleased with the odd crunch once in a while. Certainly never enough to distract, very small amount.

These are not even for me. Putting them all together for my neighbours getting back around supper from a trip to France. I'm sure they will not want to eat a whole meal, just snack on something. I also want them to remember you can get good food here too! :LOL:

Thought I would leave their kitchen stocked with something so as not to have to do much the next day. Will leave a couple of croissants with 3 different tiny little pots of jam for breakfast, a couple more croissants to have with 2 different excellent Quebec cheeses and a couple of slices of Prosciutto Fumee/Speck and Capiccolo for lunch.

Supper is on their own ticket. LOL
Cheryl, you're no slacker in the "kind neighbor" department. :flowers: Just sayin'...

dragnlaw;1510775...it is time to put together for the Lobster Rolls. I believe traditional is Mayo...How do you make them?....[/QUOTE said:
Since I live a hard sneeze away from CT, I prefer them with butter. As stated in this article from CT Boom: You wouldn’t dunk a regular boiled lobster in a tub of mayo would you? Totally agree. Warm buttered lobster on a buttered-and-grilled roll. :yum: Since you are leaving them in the neighbor's fridge, mayo is probably the better way to go. However, if I were your neighbor, I'd rather have the buttered lobster left in a microwave-safe container so I could heat it just before putting it into the roll myself. ;)

According to the article, buttered is preferred in the more southern New England states (well, they don't mention RI but I'll toss them in here) whereas mayo is preferred MA and north. Guess I'm more CT in my chowder, too, since I prefer RI clear (also popular in CT) to the cream-laden version popular in MA and north. Different strokes...and tastes.
We are a divided family here.

My wife prefers the butter only kind, my son likes the mayo kind, and I will eat lobster any way, any time that I can get it.

I believe the traditional roll is a split top "hot dog" style roll, but IMO, any soft roll will do.

The best lobster rolls that I've had anywhere was when we were up to visit our friends George and Barbara up in Kennebunkport at The Clam Shack: Home - The Clam Shack

The last time we were there, we ate at the shack every single day for a week. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING on the menu was awesome.
Does anyone have recipe for " Hot Dog Rolls " ?

Buckytom: This looks like an amazing seafood / shellfish restaurant in Maine. Checked the website. Surely the next time I cross the Atlantic, I shall book a table. I have some European friends from university who reside in Portland, Maine and Boston.

Lobster rolls: Fabulous idea ! Thanks for posting .. Definitely, what we would call a Lobster Salad on a " bun " or "canapé ", a 1 piece of baguette style bread, which is how it is done here on Costa Brava.

Just a touch of home made mayo, not to distract from the amazing taste of fresh lobster & a pinch of salt, perhaps fresh chives or parsley and or, just dip in some amazing French or Asturian butter !!

Have a wonderful day and Mother´s Day ..
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Im lucky that I live in the epicenter of lobster rolls here in New England.

There are some pretty good ones in Boston and in Maine but

the VERY BEST ONE EVER, IMO can be found at

Red's Eats in Wiscassett. ME

As shown, they serve hot butter and mayo separately on the side. The lobster is on a buttered top-split hot dog bun and is unadorned.

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