Maiden Voyage on the Guru Powered Ranch Kettle

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Ain't pretty! Not that it won't work, I just ain't doin' it right! Nuthin' more tonight 'cept I'm finishin' the loin back on the gasser...... :)
Smellin' real good right now and the T-pick is goin' through no problem. Meat has not drawn back though and I'm thinkin' it''cause of the lower temps at the onset....
Larry Wolfe said:
Where are da pic's??
They're comin'. Just tried the tear test and it passed. 2 ribs broke off the end. Lifted the rack with the tongs and it broke in half. Nice crust on the outside and very moist on the inside. No sauce. I might coulda' taken these off 30 minutes earlier... They're restin' for a bit....
Well, I started with 85 original Kingsford coals lined up around the back in 3 rows. Fired up 20 new Kingsford coals in the chimney and spread them around one end of the line. One loinback from a cryo pack went on at noon. At 12:55, it was obvious that the temp wasn’t going to get into the 240’s so I went to change from the 4 CFM blower to the 10 CFM blower. The blower wouldn’t run because the wires inside the shrink tubing had broken. Put the 4 CFM blower back on and went to work on the 10. Shit job because I didn’t have everything I needed at hand after the move but the 10 was on at 1:35. The smoke pack of pellets kicked in at 2:20. At 3:20, added ¾ Weber chimney full of lit new Kingsford to kick the temp up. At 4:45, temp started dropping again…Firing up the gasser. 5:05, moved the rack to the gasser ~ Trying to maintain 250º. (This is much easier…). Rotated the rack 180º at 5:47. Around 7:20, checked the ribs with the toothpick and it passed. 7:30, pulled 2 ribs off the end ~ Picked up with tongs and the rack broke in half. Pulled.

Has a nice crust on the outside and they’re very moist on the inside. Pics to follow…
Here ya go...

I'll amend a temperature graph tomorrow...
Looks like things worked out okay for you there Bill. Great looking chow. I'm not a big guru fan, But it sounds like you spent more time on the guru than apposed to the meat. That's what's cool about barbecue, Every one has there own way of doing it.
Doesn't sound like a good test run. Mechanical and electrical problems. :)

But the ribs look good and I'm sure they tasted good. =D>

Just need to find that balance of charcoal and (working) Guru air to get your temps where you want them. :eek:mm:

I'm sure next time it will go better for you. 8-[
I swear the crust of those ribs along with the moist meat underneath them made me drool this morning! Nice job Bill, especially considering the circumstances. That just shows it's the cook not the cooker that makes good Q!!

The way you lined the coals intrigues me.......why that way versus a pile on the opposite side of the meat?
Here’s a graph with complete chronology of yesterday’s cook.

12:00 Started the cook with 85 original Kingsford lined up across the back and 20 lit new Kingsford at one end of the line. Guru powered with a 4 CFM Blower.
12:55 Tried to replace the blower with a 10 CFM unit and found the wires to be broken inside insulation.
1:35 Installed repaired 10 CFM Blower.
2:40 Removed water pan from grill over coals.
3:05 Peeked to look at coal status.
3:20 Added ¾ Weber chimney of lit new Kingsford.
4:45 Temps are dropping. Firing up the gasser.
4:55 Moved ribs to the gasser. Trying to maintain 250ºF for duration of cook.
7:25 Pulled ribs.

A few weeks ago, I tried a burn in the RK (no guru or meat) with the coals lined up much like they were yesterday and I ended up laying more across the top of the line which helped the temps up to the 240º range. I should have done that again yesterday but I tried to make this setup work. I’ll do that with Saturday’s cook of the remaining 2 slabs of loin backs and also start with ¾ Weber Chimney instead of just 20. I’ll also start with the 4 CFM blower as I think there was enough airflow, just not enough lit fuel. I’ll also put the water pan back on and see how it goes. I think I’ll have much better results this time.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the way the ribs turned out but like I said earlier, I could have taken them off 30 or 45 minutes earlier.

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