Minion method on a kettle grill

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Sep 2, 2013
Buffalo, NY
I have one week before I go back to work, and want one more opportunity to BBQ. I have heard a bit about the Minion method. Has anyone tried this on a kettle grill?
Interesting..Thanks for that Buffalo & Bbquzz, that's not really my style, I mainly just use charcoal to get started, then burn wood throughout the cook. I do like learning new stuff though!
Look into doing the snake method. I have never tried it but it sure looks like it would be a lot easier controlling temps using this method instead of doing the minion method. Once the mass is lit using the minion method it is hard to keep temps down since the area in a kettle gill is so much smaller than say a WSM.
I have one week before I go back to work, and want one more opportunity to BBQ. I have heard a bit about the Minion method. Has anyone tried this on a kettle grill?

Certainly have. What I usually do for the old kettle grill is bank up some hot coals against the side, and then bank up some un-lit coals against the lit ones. This still leaves me some room for in direct grilling if need be. Here is what happens. The lit coals gradually light the unlit coals next to them, and then those coals in turn light the ones next to them. And so on. Think of it as a fuse. I reccomend keeping the charcoal load small, because so to is your kettle. You can even string the coals semi-piled up like a snake around the kettle, (the snake method) and just light off one end of it. It will give you a slow, sustained burn.

Its a worthy technique if you are interested in long sustained burns. Great for things like brisket and butts or just whiling away the hours at your pit, watching the smoke curl. Amen.
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