Monday, February 19, 2024, what did you eat?

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Sounds like a different variety of a British shepherd's pie, apart from the fact that the potatoes are boiled and mashed.
It is certainly in that family of dishes. I did try it once with mashed potatoes instead of sliced potatoes. It was good, but not as good.
I made ossobuco atop spinach mashed potatoes with oven roasted brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli & carrots and roasted squash & sweet potatoes. Tequila lime cake for dessert. Salud!

I am going to make oksekød med kartoffellåg! That sounds and looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


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I made ossobuco atop spinach mashed potatoes with oven roasted brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli & carrots and roasted squash & sweet potatoes. Tequila lime cake for dessert. Salud!

I am going to make oksekød med kartoffellåg! That sounds and looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
If you want the amounts, I'll be happy to share an English version of the actual recipe, not just the directions / description.
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