My youngest daughter has been getting these nose bleeds since she was a year old. I have taken her to the doctor for it but, he didn't seem too worried. Last night she woke up at 4 in the morning crying. I went to check on her to see what was wrong, her whole entire face was covered in blood and was all over her sheets. It usually happens at night, which sounds very weird but, during the day when she gets them she can just be sitting and her nose will start bleeding. By the doctor not sounding to worried and as many as she is getting and the anount a blood comming out of her nose is staring to be very scary to me. One time she had an episode and lasted for 10 min.(literally) This will happen for a couple of days to a week and then she won't have any for a long time. I don't know what to do. Should I listen to the doc and just blow it off and keep wiping her nose everytime she gets one or what? I have mixed feelings about htis and not quite sure what to do?