My daughter is in Italy and paid me a compliment

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
My daughter and her soon to be fiancé ( I assume) are in Italy for 10 days.
Anytime she ( or my son) text me, it almost always has to do with food, how to cook something, Identifying and ingredient or just showing me what they had.
Needless to say, I have been getting a bunch of food pics this week.
But the best text I got was this:

" A pro is most of the food here feels homemade… a con is I grew up with good food so it needs to be REALLY good to beat the homemade I’m used to"

Coming from a picky brat who used to complain about everything, it's nice that , as an adult' she realized what she had growing up.

They started in Rome, then Venice, and now Milan (and some surrounding areas).
Here are a few pics she sent me:


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Those white balls, thought the first one a poached egg. But the 2nd looks like burrata or mozza. Last one looks like a risotto in a parmesan cheese cup! The tortellini looks yummy and the sandwiches, what is in the spoon?

Think I'm hungry - better go have some supper before I go crazy drooling!

I'm so glad she acknowledged your efforts and obvious successes in the culinary world. And so you should be proud - nice job on raising and teaching your kids Larry.
Fantastic! It feels good doesn't it?
Feels great! Partially cause she noticed, and partially cause she came right out and said it.

Those white balls, thought the first one a poached egg. But the 2nd looks like burrata or mozza. Last one looks like a risotto in a parmesan cheese cup! The tortellini looks yummy and the sandwiches, what is in the spoon?

Think I'm hungry - better go have some supper before I go crazy drooling!

I'm so glad she acknowledged your efforts and obvious successes in the culinary world. And so you should be proud - nice job on raising and teaching your kids Larry.
Actually both white balls are burrata, and thanks, I am proud. She really is a good kid. My son is a little more obnoxious , but still a good kid too :-p .
She also loves the gelato and some fast food pasta place . The one pizzeria they went to they waited on line for an hour to get the pizzas. They said they open at 11am and the line is consistently that long until it closes at night. She said the pizza itself was good, but the crust was incredible.
My daughter and her soon to be fiancé ( I assume) are in Italy for 10 days.
Anytime she ( or my son) text me, it almost always has to do with food, how to cook something, Identifying and ingredient or just showing me what they had.
Needless to say, I have been getting a bunch of food pics this week.
But the best text I got was this:

" A pro is most of the food here feels homemade… a con is I grew up with good food so it needs to be REALLY good to beat the homemade I’m used to"

Coming from a picky brat who used to complain about everything, it's nice that , as an adult' she realized what she had growing up.

They started in Rome, then Venice, and now Milan (and some surrounding areas).
Here are a few pics she sent me:

Wanted to put the "love" symbol instead of "like" , but couldn't figure out how to do it.
On my phone, I push the like button and hold it down, then all choices show. Then I pick which one. I'm mostly on my phone, especially when on vacation like I am now. Or in bed when I can't sleep.
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