National Bicarbonate of Soda Day ~ 12/30/2023 ~ Official Dinner Thread

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

After this dinner, I may need that bicarb later tonight :LOL:
Grilled Salmon fillets with my Special Fried Rice and my Quick Cucumber Kim Chee (kimchi, whatever) - it was a bit spicy this go around, tasty though!
What did you have?
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Well, on Wednesday I was quite busy with work, but I had some down time in the afternoon. I had planned to get Subway for dinner, but after checking how much money I had in my checking account, I changed my mind. My wife likes the meatball sandwich from Subway, so I bought frozen meatballs, a can of Hunt's spaghetti sauce (garlic & herb), some shredded mozzarella cheese and a package of French rolls. Altogether, less than half the price of Subway, and pretty tasty as well. We had a dozen leftover meatballs and some sauce.

Which brings me to today. I cooked a 7 oz package of spaghetti and mixed it with the meatballs and sauce for the wife. For my daughter and myself, I took some Johnsonville chorizo, cut off the casing, browned it and scooped it off to some paper towels to soak up that bright red grease. I added about 1.5 cups of rice, a bottle of hot chunky salsa and an appropriate amount of water to my skillet (with the sausage), covered it and cooked it for 20 minutes. After allowing it to sit for another ten minutes I served it into bowls, topped with crushed Doritos and a large dollop of sour cream. Nice.
I made a half a batch of
And put out some sandwich stuff: rugbrød (heavy, Danish, 100% rye bread), Wasa crisp rye bread, some whole grain, wheat bread, leftover frikadeller from Thursday, ham, cheese, and the sumac onion that GG shared a recipe for in the post the thread, "Biggest Bag of Spanish Onions!" The sumac onion was really good on the frikadelle sandwiches.
I finally ate the last of the stuffed shells for lunch, so dinner was a tuna melt. I would have frozen at least 5 helpings of the shells except I didn't have any freezer bags. They're on the list when I go shopping next week, cause I don't plan on making pasta my default meal for 4 days in a row ever again, much as I like it.
Had our raclette. Pretty successful. For some reason ended up with 2 mushroom dishes, but I knew the kids wouldn't like one of them.
They enjoyed the Raclette cheese but not the Emmental (no surprise there), the Gruyere was a middle line. Unfortunately there was only one package of Raclette cheese to be had at the store - ergo reason for the other two. Crushed potatoes, buttered carrot planks. Had meant to do some green broccoli - just never got there.
Mushroom slices were huge so made this gravy to go with - so simple - so delicious. Was easy for one child to just take the mushrooms and the other wanted just the gravy - win, win!
Nagi's Mushroom Gravy
The other mushroom dish - although the sauce was great, I found the King Oysters not just chewy but rubbery.. I was a bit disappointed. LOL, don't get me wrong! the plate was emptied by DIL and myself.
Woks of Life - soy butter glazed oyster mushrooms
What didn't you like about it? Was it a kit or a ready made meal or?
The chicken was pre-made and ready to go in oven. It was dry as heck even though we pulled it out at 8 degrees inner temp lower than directions, hardly any of the butter mix, and the ham they used looked and tasted like boiled ham, and was basically tasteless. It was $12.50 on sale for 2 pieces. I made the sides.
Had our raclette. Pretty successful. For some reason ended up with 2 mushroom dishes, but I knew the kids wouldn't like one of them.
They enjoyed the Raclette cheese but not the Emmental (no surprise there), the Gruyere was a middle line. Unfortunately there was only one package of Raclette cheese to be had at the store - ergo reason for the other two. Crushed potatoes, buttered carrot planks. Had meant to do some green broccoli - just never got there.
Mushroom slices were huge so made this gravy to go with - so simple - so delicious. Was easy for one child to just take the mushrooms and the other wanted just the gravy - win, win!
Nagi's Mushroom Gravy
The other mushroom dish - although the sauce was great, I found the King Oysters not just chewy but rubbery.. I was a bit disappointed. LOL, don't get me wrong! the plate was emptied by DIL and myself.
Woks of Life - soy butter glazed oyster mushrooms
I'm glad your raclette was successful.

Those recipes sound interesting. I'll have a look at them another day. Right now I'm just too busy.
I'm glad your raclette was successful.

Those recipes sound interesting. I'll have a look at them another day. Right now I'm just too busy.
taxy, they are both mushroom recipes. Nagi has another gravy recipe, again with mushrooms that I'm anxious to try.
But I don't think Sterling would care for them! :LOL: at least not without a lot of tweaking!

Mushroom Sauce

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