National Bicarbonate of Soda Day ~ 12/30/2023 ~ Official Dinner Thread

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The other mushroom dish - although the sauce was great, I found the King Oysters not just chewy but rubbery.. I was a bit disappointed. LOL, don't get me wrong! the plate was emptied by DIL and myself.
Woks of Life - soy butter glazed oyster mushrooms
Have you made it before? Have you cooked with King oyster mushrooms before? Looking at the recipe, it looks to me like it might be one of those dishes that needs to be eaten within minutes of being cooked or it might go funny. Just a guess.
Mushroom slices were huge so made this gravy to go with - so simple - so delicious. Was easy for one child to just take the mushrooms and the other wanted just the gravy - win, win!
Nagi's Mushroom Gravy
That sounds like a good gravy. I have saved the recipe to CMT. I'm going to have to try that and put the mushrooms in my portion, at the table. DH dislikes too much solid mushroom in his food.
taxy, they are both mushroom recipes. Nagi has another gravy recipe, again with mushrooms that I'm anxious to try.
But I don't think Sterling would care for them! :LOL: at least not without a lot of tweaking!

Mushroom Sauce
Yeah, that sounds good, but how would I even tweak it? I've done some stuff where I have subbed shallots or chopped onion for the mushrooms, but that isn't my favourite, though DH likes that.
I don't think the time frame had anything to do with it. It's not if they were reheated. Perhaps I just needed to cook them longer. They are always described as being 'chewy' whereas I just found them sort of 'rubbery'. lol semantics!
I don't think the time frame had anything to do with it. It's not if they were reheated. Perhaps I just needed to cook them longer. They are always described as being 'chewy' whereas I just found them sort of 'rubbery'. lol semantics!
So, you haven't cooked king oyster mushrooms before?
Yes, I have. When I grew them from that kit I got. And I believe one other time. I just don't remember them being that chewy. They were not as perhaps tender (if that's a good descriptive word) as one in the cremini family would be. I certainly don't remember them as tough as shiitake stems can be.
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