Not sure where he is but ...

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Hey speaking of Pigs..reading in the morning paper (Foat Wuth Startlegram) where they are going to start letting the geriatric prisoners out of prison early because they cost too much to maintain a nursing home environment at the big house. Now this was in Tejas..not sure about Noo Yawk. Maybe they are having the same issues and we will see Pigs back in action soonish.
He still has a few years to catch up with us ... I don't know Pigs well enough, but from what I hear it doesn't sound like they would let him out on good behavior :mrgreen:
Thanks! Been looking for a "real" job. Things are tight, thank god the weather has been warm, morgage and heat and food come first. Had a great B-day. No fancy stuff, just ground some good chuck for rare burgers on the grill. Tasty indeed!
Yes yes..whut the others said. Glad to see your smiling face on the compooter screen yet again. Tough times dont last..tough people do:) Hopefully the cliche poleece dont see that one. Go West Young Man..Go West. That paraphrasing great great grandpap Horace Wheeler Greeley of course. In Texas all the water fountains dispense beer.

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