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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
There are all kinds of cooking shows on YouTube. Meat shows, vegan shows, sous vide shows, organic cooking shows -- you name it, it's out there.

Speaking of "out there," there is a show called Bong Appetit. Yes, it is about cooking with cannabis. :ermm:

Here is an episode that has some genuine redeeming value...

Then, there are episodes hosted by a stoner who gets paid to... get stoned. :LOL:

She reminds me of Sophia from Golden Girls. :LOL: Heading for bed soon, but will definitely watch the entire videos tomorrow. ;):LOL: Thanks, Casey!
Many, many years ago, I heard a story that may be an urban legend, but maybe not. There was an old Italian nona in Montreal. As many Italian immigrants do, she had planted a vegetable garden in front of her house. One day, while she was in the garden, the police came over to talk to her. "Ma'm, do you realize that that plant is marijuana?" "That's my special herb for my pasta sauce, my secret ingredient from the old country. Everyone loves my pasta sauce. They always want seconds and thirds." :ermm: :LOL:

I was told that the police told her to grow that one in the backyard.

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