one of the best foodie movies ever.

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
i am watching "fatso" with dom delouise and anne bancroft. great foodie movie. reminds me of so many italian friends' families from queens and brooklyn when i was growing up. has anyone ever seen it? it's worth a rental, imho...
Havent seen that in ages... here's a few more picks:

Eat drink man woman: if you are a fan of asian cuisine, ang lee or romantic bittersweet dramas... who am I kidding! Every one and their mother should see this movie. Its almost flawless.

Like water for chocolate: or better yet, read the novel!

Babbets Feast: havent seen it in YEARS but I remember loving it and being impressed by the cinematographic quiality.
Lugaru said:
Havent seen that in ages... here's a few more picks:

Eat drink man woman: if you are a fan of asian cuisine, ang lee or romantic bittersweet dramas... who am I kidding! Every one and their mother should see this movie. Its almost flawless.

Like water for chocolate: or better yet, read the novel!

Babbets Feast: havent seen it in YEARS but I remember loving it and being impressed by the cinematographic quiality.
Like water for chocolate, one of my favorite books. thanks, I'm gonna find and reread... Merry Christmas!
buckytom said:
i am watching "fatso" with dom delouise and anne bancroft. great foodie movie. reminds me of so many italian friends' families from queens and brooklyn when i was growing up. has anyone ever seen it? it's worth a rental, imho...

Yep :!: Vrey good flick.
Once swore I was going to make "Babette's Feast". Maybe that should be my goal for '05. There's also one about Italian immigrants running a restauraunt. I'll have to re-read the posts, maybe it's already been mentioned. 'Joy Luck Club' also has a lot of food in it, but of course is nowhere near 'Eat Drink Man Woman' for sheer food enjoyment.
southerncook - I read Like Water For Chocolate years before it was made into a movie - I LOVE THAT BOOK!!!!! I'll have to vote with you on this one.

I've still never seen the movie.
lol, rj. i see you know it well. i was in tears last night laughing about that movie. so many funny things about how we comfort oyuselves with food, then suffer immeasureably when we have to diet for health reasons...
and it perfectly lampoons italian american culture in the 70's.
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