Petty Vents II

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OMG.... as soon as I started thinking about nothing - of course it came back!


Been more than a month now and it won't go away, I try humming other tunes but when I'm not looking it pops back in.

Dinah Shore - See the USA in your Chevrolet! La da da, da da, da da, da da dahhhh!!

ok, looked up the lyrics, don't know if she sang the whole 1st verse but ...

See the USA in your Chevrolet
America's asking you to call
Drive your Chevrolet through the USA
America's the greatest land of all

and I want you guys to remember I'm Canadian! ***disclaimer.. content is for informational purposes only and not necessarily promoting our neighbour to the south. ahem... although they're pretty nice guys when you get to know them.
Maybe it’s time to update your earwig! 🤭

OMG.... as soon as I started thinking about nothing - of course it came back!


Been more than a month now and it won't go away, I try humming other tunes but when I'm not looking it pops back in.

Dinah Shore - See the USA in your Chevrolet! La da da, da da, da da, da da dahhhh!!

ok, looked up the lyrics, don't know if she sang the whole 1st verse but ...

See the USA in your Chevrolet
America's asking you to call
Drive your Chevrolet through the USA
America's the greatest land of all

and I want you guys to remember I'm Canadian! ***disclaimer.. content is for informational purposes only and not necessarily promoting our neighbour to the south. ahem... although they're pretty nice guys when you get to know them.
I'd rather have an earworm than tinnitus (the latter of which I do have). Hearing a constant buzzing noise is quite annoying!
I got pretty ticked off today at my massage therapist and will be looking for a new one. I found her a few years ago when she was starting out and she is really good. I told several people about her and bought my husband a gift certificate. He went to see her shortly before Valentine's Day last year and bought me two gift certificates (1 hour each), one of which I finally used last week (I've been busy this past year).

Well, my appointment last week was at 2 and she was 10 minutes late, so I went into the room at 2:10 and the massage started at 2:15. She stopped at 3:05 (I guess because she had another client at 3:15, he was in the waiting area when I was leaving), so it was a 50-minute massage at $60 per hour. I let it slide and tipped her $12 anyway. Today my appointment was at 1:30. I pulled into the parking lot at 1:24 and walked into her place at 1:25. When I walked in, she was waiting for me, all smiles, and when I handed her the certificate, the smile dropped off her face. She said, "Oh, I didn't know you had another certificate." I told her it was my last one. She told me the room was ready and to go on in.

The massage started at probably 1:29. She kinda rushed through the massage and seemed distracted and wasn't focusing on giving me the high quality massage I am used to. When she was done and stepped out, I got up and got dressed, went to the restroom, and walked into the front where she was waiting for me. I noticed it was 2:23 then, so she must have stopped just before 2:20. I asked her if her massages were supposed to be an hour, and she got rather defensive and said that they were always an hour. I told her that I had arrived at 1:24 and the massage today had started at around 1:30 but she stopped at around 2:20, so the massage was only 50 minutes. She told me that I was mistaken and that the massage had started at 1:20, and I explained to her that I lived 17-20 minutes away (depending on traffic) in a different city and hadn't even left my house until 1:06, and I was sure that I arrived at 1:24 because I used Google maps to get there and it showed me the arrival time. She just looked at me in an unpleasant manner and shook her head no. So partially I think she was disappointed that I wasn't paying cash today (nevermind that she got the money from my husband a year ago for the massage) and maybe she had something else on her mind. At any rate, I was pretty unhappy with her attitude about it.

I'm not going back and will not be recommending her to others anymore. At $60 per hour, taking 10 minutes off is like taking $10 from someone without asking and it's pretty dishonest. I am a retired massage therapist (10 years when living in Florida) and I never did that to any of my clients.
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Well good news: my massage therapist out of the blue texted me today and said that she may have been mistaken and that she would like to offer me a free 15 minute massage to make up for her oversight. I agreed and said she could just take $15 of my next 1-hour massage if that worked for her, and she agreed.
Since she reached out to me and apologized with a reasonable offer, I will give her another chance. It's good on her, since I will be buying some massage certificates for my husband's upcoming birthday in April and recommending that my totally stressed out nephew (the one with the pregnant wife) go get a relaxation massage. It's funny, his wife is 7 months pregnant with gestational diabetes but is totally chill and he is freaking out about everything, LOL! It's her first kid and his third, so you would think he would be more relaxed but no... :ROFLMAO:
Well good news: my massage therapist out of the blue texted me today and said that she may have been mistaken and that she would like to offer me a free 15 minute massage to make up for her oversight. I agreed and said she could just take $15 of my next 1-hour massage if that worked for her, and she agreed.
Since she reached out to me and apologized with a reasonable offer, I will give her another chance. It's good on her, since I will be buying some massage certificates for my husband's upcoming birthday in April and recommending that my totally stressed out nephew (the one with the pregnant wife) go get a relaxation massage. It's funny, his wife is 7 months pregnant with gestational diabetes but is totally chill and he is freaking out about everything, LOL! It's her first kid and his third, so you would think he would be more relaxed but no... :ROFLMAO:
Bet she thought about how she acted and realized she more than likely lost a client plus who knows how many more by word of mouth.
Bet she thought about how she acted and realized she more than likely lost a client plus who knows how many more by word of mouth.
Yeah if she pulls that regularly she may have lost some already. I know from my experience with market research that most people don't say anything, they just don't go back. I'm the kind of person who will write a review.

It's a good thing she's got great hands!
Are Massage Therapist licensed in the States? They are here in Canada. Usually a 3 year course (I think), costing about $7,000 plus - it is not for the feint of heart.
Both my daughter and Granddaughter are Massage Therapist. Grueling job actually. And not a cheap one to hang on to. You don't want to lose good clients. Up here there are yearly Association fees $500. (and you have to join or lose your license) Then you are required to take a course every year (again, a take it or lose it deal). Usually a weekend 2.5 day deal, to the tune of another $400.00 plus accommodation to the city where it is being held.
Are Massage Therapist licensed in the States? They are here in Canada. Usually a 3 year course (I think), costing about $7,000 plus - it is not for the feint of heart.
Both my daughter and Granddaughter are Massage Therapist. Grueling job actually. And not a cheap one to hang on to. You don't want to lose good clients. Up here there are yearly Association fees $500. (and you have to join or lose your license) Then you are required to take a course every year (again, a take it or lose it deal). Usually a weekend 2.5 day deal, to the tune of another $400.00 plus accommodation to the city where it is being held.
Yes, must have a license. In Ohio it is a 2-year degree, as is in most states, and the graduated student must take both a state and national board exam. There are continuing education hours that must be completed every two years with the license renewal. It was $350 for the license 20 years ago and price of classes varied. No idea what the requirements and prices are now.

I lived in a resort town in Florida so I was making great money. Most people wanted relaxation massage but I was skilled in a variety of modalities. I didn't mind when clients asked me to be gentle, lol.
oops, my daughter just corrected me - yeah, it is a 2 year course here although you are allowed to do it in 3 if you must.
At the time my daughter was finishing her course, she was also working thru breast cancer. She didn't need chemo, but surgery and radiation. The surgery she did on her 2 weeks vacation from Walmart. The radiation she did during her lunch hours. The course she did at night.
I asked her how on earth could she apply pressure without using her full arm. She used her elbow - said it made her fellow students yelp a bit... but she got thru it and passed with flying colours! LOL
@dragnlaw I'm pretty sure you meant ear worm and not earwig.


Also, here is the link (again, I think) for the Petty Vents thread:

lOL - I can never remember... my son just rolls his eyes and doesn't even bother to correct me anymore... sigh....
That took me a minute or two to parse the "lOL". It's also a perfect example of why I prefer fonts with serifs. I read upper case "i" followed by upper case "o" and "l". But, you must have had caps lock on and used shift on the first letter.

This is what that looks like in Courier font



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Why does every soap have to smell? Isn't clean enough?
We recently bought a washer which came with Tide coupons and a sample of Tide pod laundry detergent. Gosh, that stuff smells! We could smell it while the laundry washed, the laundry still smelled strong after drying, and the odor spread to the next room.
The washer is great, but the Tide pods are definitely on our "never buy" list.
Why does every soap have to smell? Isn't clean enough?
We recently bought a washer which came with Tide coupons and a sample of Tide pod laundry detergent. Gosh, that stuff smells! We could smell it while the laundry washed, the laundry still smelled strong after drying, and the odor spread to the next room.
The washer is great, but the Tide pods are definitely on our "never buy" list.
I’m a fan of the convenience of Tide pods and prefer the versions that contain febreeze.

Yes, the scent is strong and lasting.

I haven’t tried the various Tide free and gentle pods that claim to contain no added perfumes and fragrances.

Be sure to check the Tide website for a coupon!
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I use All Free & Clear for hot water washing and Persil for cold water washing. We have one of the high-effiency front loader machines and I've found that they have changed Persil such that it makes way too much suds in hot water. But I do like the price of it! No issues with too much frangrance.

P.S. Both are pods. And I use the wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets.
Did you know that soap without fragrance has a smell? I mean, homemade cold process soap. It smells clean. I love the smell of freshly made soap. Speaking of which, we need to make some since we're running out. We keep saying we will make a big batch soon but our bees are coming this week!

We make our own scent free laundry soap gel (not detergent). --since this is a recipe site I'll give you my recipe.
2 oz shredded unscented soap (I use my own but you can use any plain 'soap' not a 'detergent bar'. Use fels naptha, homemade soap, or Ivory.
6 cups hot water on the stove.
Add the shreds to the water and keep hot (not more than simmering) until it all melts, the solution is clear.
Put that in a plastic container (bucket like), add 1/2 cup of Arm and Hammer Washing soda and 1/2 cup of Borax, and 4 cups of cold water. Stir to dissolve the powders. Let sit 12 hours. It thickens to a gel. Use 1/2 cup or less for each load.
I haven't had to buy laundry detergent for 20 years and it doesn't damage washers or anything else. It doesn't keep bright white men's shirts bright white, for those I used to add bleach to the water. None of us worked in businesses where heavy grease or oil soaked or stained our clothes. You may need a detergent to help with that.
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