Petty Vents II

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I went to my bank today and was able to obtain the tracking numbers after speaking to the Person In Charge. Tomorrow, I will call Fidelity back as they said they would turn it over to their fraud department. My bank (credit union) does not have a fraud department. It's just a small CU, which will likely reimburse part of the loss. (Part is my fault as I did not review my statement for a few months.) The money seems to have gone to Fidelity which I have nothing with. They are very interested in where the funds went - not being a tiny CU.

Honestly, it seems easier to understand how these scams happen. All anyone needs is a name and bank number. The rest can be forged if the scammers know how to do it.

While sitting there, their little "happiness screen" that lists their mortgage rates, cd terms, etc. also had a little ad that said, "Where do you keep YOUR money? Mason Jar? Coffee can? Sugar bowl? Bottom of an old purse? Keep it somewhere safe! Deposit with us." I think the Person In Charge chagrined when it popped up.
Today, I contacted Fidelity with the tracking numbers. They immediately told me, "Oh. Our subsidiary company which we own but is not Fidelity is a service that processes transactions for smaller companies, please hold." A minute later they came back with a third person on the line that told me that it went to my ROTH IRA with a company that my employer supported. I said, "I can no longer contribute to that as I am now retired." She said, "OH. Hold on." Two minutes later, she had the ROTH IRA company on the line. They never issued a stop order at the end of the year. Prior to this, I had monies pulled directly from my paycheck. The ROTH IRA company issued a stop and will reimburse my account.

Some thoughts that I have shared with my bank: I really do not understand why my credit union could not have done this. It's all electronic. To not know who to call or why this was happening was completely illogical to me anyway. I was on the phone for an hour with their head of customer service. My guess is nothing will come of it but it was cheaper than therapy. The bank will reimburse me for the stop fees that I paid. Also, it concerns me that an agency simply said, "Gimme $100/mo" and obviously did not have anything in writing, but it happened. Pre-retirement investments should not automatically click over to post-retirement contributions. Just....weird on behalf of both companies.

If I ever have the need, I will use Fidelity. They were quick, proactive, and genuinely helpful when it really was not even their issue but one of their subsidiary company's processing.

All's well that ends well. I am sooo happy that it is not the result of a scam.
Mostly, I am going to blame the company that you worked for. They didn't tell whoever needed to know that you were retired. The problems with the credit union don't surprise. According Wikipedia,

Sometimes they are run by volunteers and sometimes they are much more professionally run.
According Wikipedia,

Sometimes they are run by volunteers and sometimes they are much more professionally run.
So right. My oldest stepdaughter, who is smart as a whip but never went to college and had previously been a bartender, got hired as a teller at a credit union and was promoted to banker within a year. Not a volunteer but...
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People who are ziplock challenged. As in they can't seem to figure out how to close up the ziplock bag containing the deli meat, cheese, or whatever they took something of. Even if it's the zipper kind! That and closing the lid on food storage containers completely. It's mind blogging that they haven't figured out that the whole idea to keeping food fresher longer is to keep things sealed...
I don't "weave in and out of" traffic, but occasionally I don't use signals.
I'm pretty observant of traffic around me and if I figure changing lanes or turning a corner is not going to change or affect any other cars near me... "sometimes" I just don't.

My vent is pedestrians who have no respect for cars at intersections. The other day a mama was tootling along, yakking on her phone, pushing the baby stroller, marched right across in front of me, without looking to see if I had even seen her or paused to see what I was going to do.
Yes, she had the right of way, but maybe I hadn't seen her and had gone ahead. I was going from a side street onto a busy throughfare. Traffic was heavy and I was waiting my chance to jump in. Honestly, I could have missed her. She was walking so fast I doubt she would have been able to stop the stroller before hitting me or I the stroller! Had she run into me I would have said that she was operating a vehicle while using a phone!
I personally, never cross in front of a car unless I know they have seen me.
Her, I don't give a rat's arse, if she doesn't care about herself, then why should I. But the baby? who has no choice? Who has to trust mama? What kind of mama doesn't care about her child's well being like that?

OK, rant over.
Dragnlaw, as my husband says, "Just because you can mate doesn't mean you can be a parent." Obviously this woman could do one but not the other.
During the Covid epidemic when masks were mandated, there was a couple and their baby in a store. Neither adult had on a mask, and when I offered the extras in my purse, I was told, "This will all be over on Nov. 6" meaning it was fake and a political ploy. I figured that if the adults died, it was their choice, but the child? With parents like that, it probably wouldn't have had much of a chance, Covid or no Covid.
People who are ziplock challenged. As in they can't seem to figure out how to close up the ziplock bag containing the deli meat, cheese, or whatever they took something of. Even if it's the zipper kind! That and closing the lid on food storage containers completely. It's mind blogging that they haven't figured out that the whole idea to keeping food fresher longer is to keep things sealed...
AKA husbands/significant others, who have gotten used to having someone follow after them because it's easier than nagging and arguing?

I don't "weave in and out of" traffic, but occasionally I don't use signals.
I'm pretty observant of traffic around me and if I figure changing lanes or turning a corner is not going to change or affect any other cars near me... "sometimes" I just don't.

My vent is pedestrians who have no respect for cars at intersections. The other day a mama was tootling along, yakking on her phone, pushing the baby stroller, marched right across in front of me, without looking to see if I had even seen her or paused to see what I was going to do.
Yes, she had the right of way, but maybe I hadn't seen her and had gone ahead. I was going from a side street onto a busy throughfare. Traffic was heavy and I was waiting my chance to jump in. Honestly, I could have missed her. She was walking so fast I doubt she would have been able to stop the stroller before hitting me or I the stroller! Had she run into me I would have said that she was operating a vehicle while using a phone!
I personally, never cross in front of a car unless I know they have seen me.
Her, I don't give a rat's arse, if she doesn't care about herself, then why should I. But the baby? who has no choice? Who has to trust mama? What kind of mama doesn't care about her child's well being like that?

OK, rant over.

It's just amazing that to me that people can be so oblivious to how annoying and useless they are when they are yakking on the phone.

We were checking out at grocery yesterday and the woman in front of us was yakking on her phone. I had noticed her yakking away while we were shopping and she was still on the phone. She never shut up. I don't think the person on the other end ever said a word. It took her at least half again the amount of time to unload and bag her stuff it should have, no baggers available, then pay because she wouldn't stop yakking. It took her several attempts at paying because she was doing something wrong before she was finally able to complete because she never shut up. I was just about to say something because I was getting really annoyed when her payment finally went through.
Sending prayers and good vibes your way, @Xocolatl. My DH has had colitis for some years now. Although, it is more under control, these days. I attribute that to a new med but mostly to us learning what helps and what does NOT! Just mentioning this, so you know I mean it, when I say, I do feel for you!


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