Petty Vents

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More hugs coming your way, PF. I'd call BS on them needing a death cert. Like taxy said, you should be able to make changes to suit your needs and wants. I hope this gets resolved quickly.
(((Hugs PF)))

Well, phooey on that. How is that even any of their business? Aren't you allowed to change the beneficiary just because you want to?

Apparently there is some rule about changing from a spouse in Minnesota.

{{{{PF}}}} I was on DH's insurance when he died. I had no problem changing benefiary to my brother for my finances though.

My insurance for work is through Minnesota, who knows what rules are being applied or maybe the HR person is suspicious.

More hugs coming your way, PF. I'd call BS on them needing a death cert. Like taxy said, you should be able to make changes to suit your needs and wants. I hope this gets resolved quickly.

Wednesday, they get the "ANGRY" call. This is so stupid, they won't validate any of my insurance until I send back this paperwork including a copy of the death certificate. I enrolled the first day you could enroll and they are just now sending me this.

So sorry you're having to deal with this now, PF. More ((hugs)) coming your way.

Thanks for the support, Ladies! I just needed to vent and didn't get the e-mail until I got home from work tonight. Odd how they picked Christmas Eve to send this out.

Rant almost over...:angel:
Hugs and Hugs PF, so sorry it is at this time of year. What rotten timing.

and with sympathies comes the caveat...

We have pretty much the same rule here under certain circumstances. One cannot change the beneficiary without the beneficiary's acknowledgement (ergo signature). eg.. a couple who have split up after 30 years cannot just change the beneficiary as that may or may not have been part of another deal. Needs acknowledgement, not necessarily agreement but acknowledgement. Weird, eh?

It is the same thing with their primary abode. It cannot be sold without the spouse's acknowledgement (signature). It doesn't matter whether or not their name is on the deed. This prevents a spouse coming home from work/shopping one day to find the key changed on the door and their 'other-half' gone (usually with the contents of said abode)
:mad::censored::angry: Shrek was never on my insurance, he was only ever listed as a beneficiary. Now my insurance is demanding a copy of his death certificate because I changed my beneficiary status to my brother. <spit> Like I'm not rolling in my sorrow enough at this time of year. :mad::censored::angry:

Princess, I can understand your anger. When my daughter died, a bill collector of hers wanted to take me to court if "she was really dead." (their words) The wanted me to pay the bill, and wanted a full copy of her death certificate, not just the small one that the city releases before the autopsy is completed and the report sent to the authorities.

I am so sorry to hear of your distress. I can so understand. Don't these people understand that grief and sorrow doesn't end with the funeral?

My heart goes out to you.

Love from Addie and all that know and love you.
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Looks like I need to dig the death certificate out of the files and fax the thing. This trying to get everything taken care of after a death is severely taxing on the surviving spouse.
Looks like I need to dig the death certificate out of the files and fax the thing. This trying to get everything taken care of after a death is severely taxing on the surviving spouse.

You are so right and I'm so sorry PF. I remember having to mail out many certified copies of his death certificate for various reasons. It was taxing to be sure, but I found it was less stressful to just not question the why of it.
Wishing a much better new year for you. I think of you often.:flowers:
In the winter, my sunroom hosts the occasional “queen wasp”, usually sluggish little girls that I just gently grab with a kleenex and transfer outside. It's always been painless, except for today. She nailed my finger through the kleenex, and dang it hurts! I resisted the urge to squish her up good in the kleenex and released her outside though.
In the winter, my sunroom hosts the occasional “queen wasp”, usually sluggish little girls that I just gently grab with a kleenex and transfer outside. It's always been painless, except for today. She nailed my finger through the kleenex, and dang it hurts! I resisted the urge to squish her up good in the kleenex and released her outside though.

You are a kind and gentle soul Dawg.

On the other hand, I would have murdered the royal :censored:!
There is a critter, probably a field rat, in my attic. :mad:

I can hear it, but can't see it, and it has, so far, avoided all the glue traps I have up there.

This has been a bad six months for my attic. First thousands of %@#$& bees, and now a &^%@# rat (although, it is not my first rat tenant).

There is a critter, probably a field rat, in my attic. :mad:

I can hear it, but can't see it, and it has, so far, avoided all the glue traps I have up there.

This has been a bad six months for my attic. First thousands of %@#$& bees, and now a &^%@# rat (although, it is not my first rat tenant).


CD, I once had a job in an office that held all the office supplies for the business. Part of the floor was missing in that closet and there was a vent on the bottom of the door. In the winter time, the field mice would come inside and lived in that closet. Every night, my boss would put a new sticky trap under my desk. I would come in the morning and sure enough, there would be two or three mice stuck on it, some still alive. Fortunately, I did not have to touch those dang things.

So one day I hear some squeaking coming from the closet. I open the door and there just below the vent, are three tiny newborn naked mice babies. It seems the mother had put them where they could stay warm. I got my ruler and knocked them back down to their mother. Those sticky traps do work. At one point my boss placed food in the middle of the trap. It drew the mice further into he sticky trap than they really wanted to go.

Come warm weather and springtime, the mice went back to their fields.
My parent's townhouse had rats in the attic. You can hear them during early morning hours. And this went on for months. One day I threw some rat poison up there and that seemed to take care of the problem. Some day when I crawl up there I'm sure I'll find a bunch of mummified rats.
Do you mind spending some time alone?

Pirate has gone for his weekly medical appointment and I am in seventh heaven. Ever since he came to live with me, it is very hard to find some "alone time." I need to call his doctor and ask him to make it a point to see him every day for at least a couple of hours. Grrr!

roadfix, and to all others with infestation problems. The Sticky Pads are the best way to go. When you leave poison for them as food, they will eat some and then go to some place (usually inside a wall) to die and are very difficult to find until they begin to stink. Lesson learned from an exterminator.
My parent's townhouse had rats in the attic. You can hear them during early morning hours. And this went on for months. One day I threw some rat poison up there and that seemed to take care of the problem. Some day when I crawl up there I'm sure I'll find a bunch of mummified rats.

roadfix, and to all others with infestation problems. The Sticky Pads are the best way to go. When you leave poison for them as food, they will eat some and then go to some place (usually inside a wall) to die and are very difficult to find until they begin to stink. Lesson learned from an exterminator.

Addie that's just an exterminator wanting business. Don't believe everything you hear. Many years ago we had rats in the crawl space and husband threw rat poison up there like roadfix.
We actually heard some fall into the wall and we never smelled a thing.
That was the end of that.
Um, a rental we lived in while in transition waiting for our house to be built had an addition built on. Apparently a rat and/or mouse died in the walls. There was DEFINITELY a smell we noticed shortly after we moved in and it took months to go away.
And then there are the stinky dead field mice in cars. One of them hopped into Himself's car when he was doing a stargazing thingy. We never found it, but the smell sure found our noses. I ended up challenging our mechanic to find and remove it. He the tune of about $75 for the labor. Worth EVERY penny! :LOL:
Addie's right about the glue traps, or knowing the location of any trap so that it can be removed.

We have lots of mice and rats in our building (at work, I mean) since we are an entire city block that goes several floors below ground. Plus, there's a huge professional kitchen on one of those subterranean floors that not only cooks for the employees in our building but also does some catering.

Our building maintenance guys are constantly trying to exterminate stuff, from huge cockroaches to rats the size of a puppy.

They used to use poisons, but like Addie said, the mice and rats would run off and when they died, the smell was disgusting as they slowly dessicated. It's a very distinctive smell not unlike a morgue.

Not to mention that you later are breathing in the dust of what was once them.
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