Pickled / Marinated Pomelo Rinds

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
This is a new one on me. My Sons Fiancé (Chinese) peeled and marinated the rind of a pomelo in a pepper sauce. I've candied citrus rinds before, but never pickled / marinated them. That's the only description he gave me.


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So here is what she did ( not all that complicated)
she peeled the pomelo , then layered it in a jar with hot pepper sauce ( I included a picture of the exact pepper sauce she uses). She then let it sit for a few days. Knowing me, I'll probably give it a try, even though it doesn't sound like something I'll like too much.



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    hot pepper sauce .png
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Larry, are they vegetarian as well? If you mentioned I don't remember.

Seems to me that would go very nicely over a meat dish. Or in your case a meat substitute dish. Maybe?

Or a heavier type dish, like potatoes - something like that.
Do they mention what they eat it with?
He is vegetarian, she'll eat anything that doesnt eat her first. Like literally everything. Some of the things she eats he doesnt know and doesnt want to know what it is or what part of the animal it cam from.

He just mentioned eating it out of the jar to taste it, Ill ask what she does with it and get back to you.
He is vegetarian, she'll eat anything that doesnt eat her first. Like literally everything. Some of the things she eats he doesnt know and doesnt want to know what it is or what part of the animal it cam from.

He just mentioned eating it out of the jar to taste it, Ill ask what she does with it and get back to you.
Apparently, Chinese has no word for offal. It's all just various kinds of meat.
I imagine it would be similar to preserved lemons but lemons being salty and the pomelo being spicy. Maybe just more of a crunch than perhaps hot peppers.
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